The months of October and November welcomes the arrival of a number of celebratory festivals. Diwali is celebrated on Monday 24th October 2022, Halloween on Monday October 31st 2022, and Bonfire Night on Saturday 5th November 2022. All of these festivals have one thing in common – light!

We warmly invite you to take part in a competition that expresses light in the darker months, inspired by one of these festivals. Anyone can take part, from Nursery to Year 6! We would like you to create a piece of Art, using any material or medium you like. This could be a painting, junk modelling, sculpture, printing, collage, even digital Art using IT or photographs.

We would like your entries in by Friday 11th November, please hand them in to your class teacher, or upload any photographs/work to the link below. We can’t wait to see what you can do!
All entries will be displayed on the blog, and prizes will be awarded per Key Stage!

Inspiration Gallery!

Please take a picture or video of your work and the click on the upload point below.

Upload Point

43 responses to “Broad Heath Festival Of Light Competition! ๐ŸŽ‡”

  1. Afreen S.

    I have uploaded my work

  2. Airah I.

    Thanks for the information

  3. Meena B.

    What time does it start?

  4. Hammad A.

    Is it going to happen in school. Also do you what time it starts and ends i would like to come.

  5. Tinuola T.

    Thanks for the information

  6. Ayaan M.

    I already made a picture and will bring it tommorow

  7. Adam K.

    Adam has made diwali, Halloween and bonfire night pictures using alot of different materials and also had lots of fun doing all this thank you

  8. Kamil N.

    It looks so cool

  9. Mr Inman

    Just wanted to say thankyou to all of the childen for the work that has been so far uploaded. Some fantastic entries and all work that has been uploaded has been viewed/watched!

  10. Hudayifah A.

    Where is the link?

    1. Mrs Elkin

      The upload point is above in orange. Looking forward to seeing your work Hudayifah!

  11. Maryam I.

    Can I use white paper for it ๐Ÿค”

    1. Mrs Elkin

      You can use anything you like Maryam – be creative with what you have!

  12. Aaminah A.

    Hi mrs Elkin,
    Can we make a little video for this competition?

    1. Head Teacher

      Yes you can.

  13. Zahraa Y.

    Ok thank you! I will try my best to make a flip book and a drawing so you could put it on display!

    1. Mrs Elkin

      That sounds fantastic Zahraa!

  14. Fatimah K.

    Ok thanks Mrs Elkin I will try to do this.

  15. Lillie S.

    Iโ€™ll try to make some great art

  16. Tahiyan C.

    Ok thanks for the info

  17. Sumayyah A.

    I will make a piece of art

  18. Naimol A.

    Amazing piece Year 5 keep the great work guys good Job ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿค—๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘Œ

    1. Mrs Elkin

      Looking forward to seeing your entry Naimol!

  19. Zahra A.

    Thanks for all the information

  20. Luxor A.

    Ok I will try.

  21. Huzaifah J.

    that is amazing

  22. Ameena I.

    Thanks for the information

  23. Hamaad B.

    Okay โœ…

  24. Zainab A.

    I will do an super piece of work

  25. Tana I.

    Thank you for the information๐Ÿ…

  26. Jasmine P.

    Ok thank you

  27. Alima S.

    Thank you for the information.

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