
British Values Week

We hope you all had an amazing week. Β The staff were all extremely proud of the discussions, role play, maths, art work…..we could go on and on. Β This week has proven a further example of what we can achieve when we work together and also shown that we are indeed a courageous cohesive community with strong values. We must however, always remember that values are only strong as long as the people believe in them and uphold them.
We are a team the Broad Heath Team and should always remember Equalities is at the forefront of everything we do (our recent award confirm this).
On a more personal note, I would like to thank the Deputy Lieutenant George Marsh, Mrs Frankish, Shaun (IT) and the rest of the Broad Heath Team for their support and enthusiasm for making this week so successful.
Mrs Raja-Khan

144 responses to “British Values Week”

  1. Lily Marshall-Senior

    I liked the tea party

  2. Mishal Naeem

    We sang a British Values song – the Queens song, when a soldier from the Queen came. We did some colouring of the Queen. On Friday we had a party and had some Paddington Bear marmalade sandwiches, cupcakes and jelly.It was a party for the Queen.
    Supported by LSA

  3. Safwan Uddin

    I liked colouring in British flags and making Paddington Bear sandwiches.

  4. Luci Rogers

    Well done to all the teachers who help make this really good video.
    In British values week I learnt that you should treat every one the same even if they are a different religion to you or if your a gir and they ar a boy. Every one should have the same opportunity as others for example if Lacey got to leave school early
    and Renee didn’t that would not be fair but is Lacy and Renee go to leave school at the same time that would be fair or if Luci got to go swimming and Sheza did even though they both have there swimming kit but if Luci and Sheza both got to go swimming that would be fair.

  5. Elyas Sultani

    Respect is caring and sharing for each other.

    1. Sediqa Sabiri

      Yes it is about respecting and caring about everything not just things and also other people

  6. Rida Wajid

    I made the British flag with tissue paper and I made cup cakes.

  7. Mohammed Umar Hussain

    I liked British Values week because it was so fun because we made cakes and sandwiches and jelly and then we had a party on Friday.

  8. Sariyyah Abraz

    I have learnt what the word tolerance

    Tolerance: to not care what people do
    To not judge people on there religion ,skin colour

  9. Muhammad Hassan

    I have learnt to respect other people’s beliefs and religion ,skin colour and hair colour and eye colour.

  10. Yamen Erateb

    I really enjoyed British values week

  11. Yussuf Sahily

    British values week was fun because we did exiting thing and what I liked was that we didn’t do any work for a week πŸ˜€By Yussuf

  12. Abdirahman Mussa Farah

    I think yo can say in tolerant thing but at same time have mutual respect

    1. Asilah K.


  13. Ahmad Amanzadeh

    I’ve learnt what tolerance means and the British values e.g. Democracy ,tolerance ,the law ,mutual respect and freedom of speech .

    The best part of the week was meeting lord o lotenant and having a carnival.

  14. Lacey O’Meara

    I really enjoyed British values week and having the carnival


  15. Muhammad Sharif

    It was so fun because we had a party. I was thinking all about England that week.

  16. Rumaysa Yasin

    Thank you Mrs Frankish for giving us such a great week I really enjoyed it because we learnt about different things. I also really enjoyed seeing the lieutenant too.

    1. Head Teacher

      Thank you.

  17. Mohammed Janzeb

    i enjoyed British values week because there was lots of fun and I enjoyed it

  18. Zabit Malaj

    I think that British vales was fun

  19. Marihah Tassawar

    British values week was brilliant & fun. I enjoyed learning the British values, also I enjoyed the year 4 carnival.

  20. Sheza Arif

    I learnt how to be a good citizen and to respect people whether they are different to you! Eg:
    Skin Colour

  21. Mohammed Umar Hussain

    In British Values week i liked painting Paddington Bear.

  22. Haleema Ansar

    I had loads of fun in British values week.
    I learnt what the 5 British values are.

  23. Abdulah Mohamud

    Well done to everyone in Broad Heath for creating British Values Week, we have learnt a lot

  24. Adam Bashir

    I liked making the sandwiches. We learnt to make cakes and cutting.

  25. Menahel Zia

    I had really fun in British values Week and I learnt a lot.

  26. Muhammed Abdullah Ansar

    In British Values week liked makeing my flag and waving my flag. I had fun

  27. I liked making my medal. I wrote courage and respect.

  28. Aleem Hussain

    British value day was very fun and done exciting thingsπŸ˜πŸ˜€πŸ˜Šβ˜ΊοΈπŸ˜…

  29. Bethany Macho

    We learnt about tolerance and how it can make a difference. We also read some facts about prejudice and how it can effect others

  30. I learnt that Freedom of speech means to be free to speak for yourself around others.πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ

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