
British Values Week

We hope you all had an amazing week.  The staff were all extremely proud of the discussions, role play, maths, art work…..we could go on and on.  This week has proven a further example of what we can achieve when we work together and also shown that we are indeed a courageous cohesive community with strong values. We must however, always remember that values are only strong as long as the people believe in them and uphold them.
We are a team the Broad Heath Team and should always remember Equalities is at the forefront of everything we do (our recent award confirm this).
On a more personal note, I would like to thank the Deputy Lieutenant George Marsh, Mrs Frankish, Shaun (IT) and the rest of the Broad Heath Team for their support and enthusiasm for making this week so successful.
Mrs Raja-Khan

144 responses to “British Values Week”

  1. David Hajduk

    I want another one British value week and I have enjoy it.

  2. Aisha Kauser

    I enjoyed when we made a tolerance flag!

  3. Matthew Pearson

    I like British values because they help me learn lots about respect

  4. Ismail Ali

    I learnt that tolerance means respecting other people’s believe no matter what religion they are and respecting what they think.👍😎🤓😜🤑😋

  5. Saniya Mahmood

    I had a great week because I enjoyed making my own mask and challenging ideas

  6. Esra Shanab

    I learnt about courage in British Values week. Courage is inside your heart. If you are scared you should still try it. And respect – which is not being mean to others.
    We had a party on Friday and made delicious cakes and sandwiches. I enjoyed the week.

  7. Yalda Nazirir

    We learnt about respect and courage. Courage is when you face up to something you are afraid of and respect is when we use our kind hands and our kind feet and our kind mouths.
    We made Paddington Bear, his suitcase and some flags and some flowers. We had
    a party on Friday.

  8. Ahlam Mohammed

    I really enjoyed British values week as we got to do fun activities as we got to have a tea part.

    1. Ahlam Mohammed

      I mean tea party

  9. Seifu Roba

    We made cake and sandwiches for a party on Friday.

  10. Merab Muheen Rehman

    I learnt about courage and respect, we should help everyone and be nice, courage is to keep tying your best.

  11. Dylan Chand

    I thought British Values week was good.

  12. Benai Nadri

    We learned about respect and courage and British Values. We learnt Britain is the county I live in.

  13. Rasan Mohammed

    We learnt about British values and we learnt about respect and courage. I enjoyed making the flags. We had visitor at school.

  14. Roma Mim

    We made cakes and sandwiches for the party at the end. We made British flags and medals too.

    Supported by LSA

  15. Siddra Khuram

    I enjoyed making Paddington bear and we learnt about British values. We made cakes and sandwiches to have at our British party.
    Supported by LSA .

  16. James Harrold

    I liked making the medals and the British Flags. I really like the party at the end.

    Supported by LSA

  17. Muhammad Haroon

    I enjoyed making the medals and doing all the activities. We learnt about respect and courage because it is part of British values.

  18. Rahima Sultan Dufa

    We made medals and flags and had a tea party. I had a lovely time.

  19. Timothy Chiwade

    We made British flags and we made medals. We learnt about respect and courage.
    Supported by LSA

  20. Shabaz Ajisafe

    We made sandwiches and cupcakes for afternoon tea. It was like a party. I enjoyed it.

  21. We had a visitor came in to school . We made some sandwiches and cupcakes. I enjoyed eating sandwiches.
    Supported by LSA.

  22. Asia Anderson

    I enjoyed British values week because we had a special day with the queen messager.
    We also enjoyed a brilliant week in four red learning about democracy and mutual respect and the laws and rules of England.

  23. Lataya Jackson

    I enjoyed British values week because we got to meet the queens helper.

  24. Sahrah Khan

    British Valves week was really fun and enjoyable.

  25. Shkula Mayar

    I really liked British value week it was very fun .

  26. Hassan Loan

    I really enjoyed british values week i really liked the cakes and when we watched the movie as part of our learning and i liked learning about democracy,tolerance,freedom of speech and individual liberty and rule of law thank you.

  27. Lakeysha Mawela

    I enjoyed learning about british values.
    I have learned to be a good citizen.
    To respect each others and table manners.
    I’ve enjoyed making yummy cakes,it was fun and amazing day.

  28. Zeid Elmesalati

    I loved the tea party with the soldiers ☕️ (although we only got to have juice).It was a really great time and had a very calm yet happy atmosphere (loved the sandwiches

  29. Weli Sharif

    I enjoyed British value this week was awesome and great week

  30. Hasan Memi

    British value week was really fun 😎😎😎😎😎

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