
British Values Week

We hope you all had an amazing week.  The staff were all extremely proud of the discussions, role play, maths, art work…..we could go on and on.  This week has proven a further example of what we can achieve when we work together and also shown that we are indeed a courageous cohesive community with strong values. We must however, always remember that values are only strong as long as the people believe in them and uphold them.
We are a team the Broad Heath Team and should always remember Equalities is at the forefront of everything we do (our recent award confirm this).
On a more personal note, I would like to thank the Deputy Lieutenant George Marsh, Mrs Frankish, Shaun (IT) and the rest of the Broad Heath Team for their support and enthusiasm for making this week so successful.
Mrs Raja-Khan

144 responses to “British Values Week”

  1. Zavian Kiani

    i loved british values because we made spunge cakes tea went on the blog and
    we learned good table manners

  2. Maleeha Memi

    British values week was a fun and fantastic week. I extreamly enjoyed learning about democracy , tolerance , indavidual liberty and the rule of law. My favouriate time was baking the cakes as that was fun. Thank you Mrs Frankish for giving us a fantastic and memorable oppurtunity to have all taken part in british values week.

  3. Omogbolahan Camara

    I’ve enjoyed this week because we learned about
    Freedom of Speech
    Rule of Law

    And the Queen as a monarchy.

  4. Pasoon Badri

    I loved this week it was the best can’t wait for circus week

  5. Priya Mattu

    I really liked British values week as we learnt about the 4 values.

    Freedom of speech
    Rule of law
    Individual liberty

    It was really fun

  6. Jawariyah Ashraf

    I think British value week was fun because we done lots of different activities in our class.
    My favourite activitie was making Victoria sponge cake.

  7. Hanna Khan

    I think I really enjoyed learning about the four british values which are:
    Freedom of speach
    Rule of law
    From Hanna Khan

  8. Haleema Asif

    British values week was a great experience and we learnt the four British values. They were tolerance, democracy, rule of law and freedom of speech. Our main focus was individual liberty, which means were all free to have our own opinion and thoughts on anything. A perfect example for not having individual liberty is that a long time ago women were not allowed to vote and were punished by campaigning and protesting.

  9. Louis Sanders

    I loved British Values Week!!!
    The British Values are Democracy, The Rule Of Law, Freedom Of Speach and Tolerance.
    We also learned about Individual Liberty!
    We saw George Marsh Lieutenant!He was in his Ceremonial Uniform.

  10. Haris Iqbal

    After watching this video,I enjoyed meeting Deputy Lieutenant George Marsh and I understand that he does allot for England and the best equipment i liked that he had on him was his huge sword.I have never seen a sword that big before!

  11. Gerry Khangura

    British values week was amazing and awesome 😊☺👍🎓🏰🗿⏳good

  12. Isra Osman

    I really enjoyed British Values week it was fun. I just couldn’t believe that Deputy Lord Lieutenant George Marsh came to Broad Heath Primary School.Also I really appreciate the afternoon tea party pleasure meeting Deputy Lord Lieutenant George Marsh he was nice I really like British Values Week.😊😊😊😊😊😊😊😊

  13. Mr Patel

    Great week! Well done, everyone?

  14. Mohammed Sherifdeen

    this was really fun i want to do it again best lesson.our cakes were the beeeeeeest.

  15. Alisha Riaz

    I really liked learning about democracy, mutral respect and tolerance, freedom of speech and individual liberty as it teached me to be a better citizen and be more confident on sharing new ideas.👑👍🌟👌

    1. Mrs A Patel

      Well done Broad Heath! We all had a super fun full British Value week
      Thank you to Mrs. Raja Khan and the SMT to organise such a great week and thanks to Sean for a beautiful blog which I useally share with my family.

  16. Safa Khan

    I think that this brititish values week really benefited us because we now know what the 4 British values are :
    – democracy
    – rule of law
    – freedom of speech
    – tolerance
    Thank you this was the best project week so far as their was a lot of creativity involved.

    1. Mrs Raja-Khan

      Thank you Safa but do not forget Individual Liberty, as all of the values are equally important.

  17. Mandy-Joyce Millet

    I think it was good that we had British Value week because the whole school learned about respect and what respect means.

  18. Head Teacher

    Fantastic blog, loved everyone’s contribution. Thanks to Mrs Raja-Khan for collating a quality blog.

  19. Umar-Faruq Akinwale

    British values week was a great success well done to all the teachers for organizing such an amazing event.

  20. Nabeel Ahmed

    I had a lot of fun on British values week the best part was when we got to make our cupcakes.My groups cupcakes that we made tasted so good👍🏻♥️ and on Thursday we went on our trip to Warwick castle and that was a lot of fun.

  21. Umaiza Anum Tahir

    I Respect each other and share with others

  22. Umaiza Anum Tahir

    I Respect each other and share with others All of the best way and I Respect share with each others

  23. Oliwier Janur

    I loved British values week because we made victoria sponge cakes and ate them

  24. Leena Naziri

    That was amazing thank you!!!!!!!!

  25. Mrs J Patel

    The first thing I want to say is what a lovely video which shows working together as a team. In year two we not only enjoyed British values week but we learnt so much that we did not know. What a fun week we had and I hope we will continue to this
    Project next year too because we at Broad Heath are a courageous and a strong
    Community. Well done everyone. HAVE WE ALL GAINED?

  26. Sabah Batool Shah

    I enjoyed British Values Week. I liked making the cakes.🎂🍰

  27. Ibrahim Raza

    British Value week I have ever had.Thank you teachers for making the week an enjoyable one.

  28. Destiny Mccusker

    i really enjoyed our british values week especially the afternoon tea mmmmmmmmmmmmmm :p

  29. Tehab Shah

    I love the cakes in year5

  30. Hamdia Darwish

    It was a really fun week.😊

    1. Sediqa Sabiri

      I really enjoyed it as well so much fun and I am tolarance

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