Brave 11 Year Old Flees Ukraine



This 11 year old boyย  escaped to Slovakia from the Ukraine with a phone number scrawled on his hand, a plastic bag and his passport. His mum was desperate to ensure he remained safe. He had no adult with him.

KS1- What do you think was in his plastic bag and why?

KS2- Which BHย  values did this boy show and why do you think his mother made him travel 700 miles by himself?

164 responses to “Brave 11 Year Old Flees Ukraine”

  1. Hamida K.

    I think his passport was in the bag because he can scrawl on his hand ๐Ÿคš๐Ÿป

  2. Muhammed G.

    I think He was carrying clothes ,food and a Something to entertain hiHe should the value of individuality ,brilliant ,resilience and tenacity.

  3. Gufran E.

    He may of had a picture of his family in his bag along with food and water to survive .
    The values he had shown was resilience because he never gave up,he had shown brilliance to prove his mum that he can travel 700miles and he has used courage to travel for so long.

  4. Hamsia D.

    I think that the 11 year old boy used Tenacity and Brilliance.
    Tenacity because he tried his best and never gave up and he finally found a safer place.
    Brilliance because he was brave and continued to find a safer place.

  5. Nabiha I.

    He showed kind nuss.
    Because his mother was a little bit worried.

  6. Tinuola T.

    I think the boy has his clothes his and his passport.

  7. Aaron G.

    This 11 year old boy has shown bravery during the war because he had a passport and a bag with his stuff in it and flew 700 miles to Slovakia.

  8. Maryam G.

    The values this boy showed were Resilience. His mother made him travel 700 miles to Slovakia because if he did not travel he could be in danger and probably could be killed by people of Russia. His mother made him travel by himself because she was worried that something might happen to her son. She only sent him because of Putin and what the Russian are doing also because they are killing Ukrainian people and that mother felt that she needed to do something and this is why she sent her son in worry that something might happen to him.

  9. Delilah R.

    The boy showed tenacity , bravery and hope because he knew. That it wasnโ€™t safe but he still traveled 700miles he also probably got hurt. But he still tried ! Thatโ€™s why he showed tenacity,bravery and hope.

  10. Lillie S.

    The boy has used resilience because he kept on walking even if he was tired. His mother made him walk the 700 miles so he can escape Ukraine.

  11. Eesaa A.

    I think his mum gave him some food and water because he would be really hungry.

  12. Rexford A.

    I think food and water is in the plastic bag because heโ€™s going a long way home so while he waits he can eat and drink.

  13. Safa M.

    This boy has used resilience because it might have been really hard to go through that by himself. His mother made him travel 700 miles by himself because her mother probably knew he could do it and didnโ€™t want to slow him down. She also did that because he had some equipment that could help him survive .

  14. Ameena I.

    It was his passport

  15. Aryan M.

    The boy showed tenacity and his mother made him travel for his safety because there is war in Ukraine.

  16. Aisha R.

    I think there was survival equipment inside his plastic bag because of the war between Russia and Ukraine he had to flee the country. I think the BH values that the boy used was individuality for doing this all by himself and resilience since he kept on going even in the hardest of times when being separated from his family and fleeing from a war. He had to travel 700 miles because of what Putin has put Ukraine in danger and the people living on it.

  17. Emil D.

    In his bag I think he had a passport because in the text it said he had his passport so he put it in his bag so he didnโ€™t lose it.

  18. Ilyas I.

    He had to flee Ukraine as the Russian army was attacking. He used the value of resilience to be able to not turn back and the value of tenacity to move forward.

  19. Myiesha S.

    this 11 year old boy showed lots of work to flees unkraine.
    This 11 year old boy has used lots of work and he has also used
    i think he packed stuff for him to eat if he was hungry it looks like he put on a lot of efort.

  20. Ravi P.

    The 11 year old boy was about to leave becuse Rusha was about to derashy his conntrey so his mum putad her fonea nubera on his Arm and give him a plastec bagge and a batt hi needid to stey on the bott fora 700 YEARS…

  21. Miss Holland

    3 Red have discussed this serious situation and what is happening in Ukraine at the moment. We think this boy is incredibly brave. He has respected his mothers wishes, even though he is really scared. Travelling over 700 miles by himself shows he has tenacity and great resilience. He has used communication on his travels to made sure he is safe.

  22. Muhammad Y.

    The boy showed Tenacity because he travelled 700 miles.

  23. Mrs Latham

    This brave young man has used the BH values of resilience because it would have been challenging to travel so far. He would also have used individuality by going by himself to a foreign and far-away place. He has used brilliance because he has had to do a lot of hard work to get there. He would have also had to use knowledge to know where he is going.

    His mother has asked him to travel to keep him safe from the war in the Ukraine. His parents may be helping in the war so they can’t go with him but they want him to be safe. It reminded us of the evacuees in the Second World. We felt empathetic for this boy.

    – 4 Blue

  24. Miss Sofeda

    Hosanna- he could have some clothes to wear
    Hussein – a favourite toy
    Oscar- food and drink
    Isabelle- a picture of his family
    Martyna- if you don’t have your adult then you are crying and sad

  25. Mrs Khaliq

    As a class we talked about the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. We discussed how the young boy’s parents must have felt having to make this very difficult and heartbreaking decision. They made it to keep him safe.
    Most of the class think he showed courage as he was brave and strong to be able to make this journey by himself at such as young age.
    Amirah- Responsibility- He was very mature and took matters into his own hands knowing that even though this was a difficult decision it was one that he had to take to survive.
    Anaya- Brilliance- He was brave and even though he must of been frightened he continued and found a safer land.
    Mustafa- Tenacity and resilience- It would have been a difficult journey, he would have been frightened but he never gave up.

    We linked this back to our PSHE learning about choices.

  26. Miss Redhead

    In 3 White we discussed that his mother sent him all that way by himself to keep him safe. We thought about how safe it was to send a child all this way by themselves. Normally we would say this was not a safe choice however given the invasion of Russia it was not safe for him to stay. His mother had a very hard choice to make to keep her son safe. His mum may have been unable to travel with him for various reasons, some children thought she might only have enough money for him to travel or mum might not have been well enough. The boy showed the values of resilience because he was brave enough to keep going by himself, tenacity because he did not give up on his journey or his mother’s wishes and brilliance because he managed to travel 700 miles himself successfully. We also thought he showed respect because he respected his mothers wishes and got himself to safety even though it was probably hard for him to leave her behind. He kept calm and focused. We think the boy and his mother were both brave making this choice.

  27. Mrs Watkins

    RB think these things might have been in his bag;
    something to eat
    a toy
    paper and pens
    spare clothes
    photograph of his Mummy and Daddy
    a teddy bear
    some money

  28. Mrs Langley

    We spoke as a whole class in RW about this situation and thought about what the boy may have had in his plastic bag.
    Miracle thinks “snacks and water”
    Musa thinks “juice and a sandwich”
    Safiyyah thinks “crisps and biscuits”
    Rumaysa thinks “a picture of his mum and dad”
    We continued to think about things other than food that the boys mum may have put inside her bag and spoke about why these might help to make the boy feel safe and remember home.

  29. Miss Ostick

    1 Red

    Wanyia thinks he would have a photo of his mum and Dad, to remember them

    Lili thinks he could have money, so he could buy dinner

    Aurora thinks he would have a passport so the boy could go to another country (or a safe place)

    Yusuf think he would carry water and food, so he can survive

    Mirr thinks he would have a phone, so he could call home

    Mrs Patel think he could have a toy in his bag, to make him think of home.

  30. Hasti M.

    I think he showed respect and I think his mom made him walk 700miles because she thought he was brave .

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