Brave 11 Year Old Flees Ukraine



This 11 year old boy  escaped to Slovakia from the Ukraine with a phone number scrawled on his hand, a plastic bag and his passport. His mum was desperate to ensure he remained safe. He had no adult with him.

KS1- What do you think was in his plastic bag and why?

KS2- Which BH  values did this boy show and why do you think his mother made him travel 700 miles by himself?

164 responses to “Brave 11 Year Old Flees Ukraine”

  1. Madeeha T.

    The 11 years old boy showed tenacity because he traveled by him self 700 miles.
    His Mum through the he was brave.

  2. Xlexben F.

    I think he showed responsibility because he went to Slovakia by himself.

    1. Head Teacher

      Like your response and justification!

  3. Ebunoluwa I.

    In the plastic cup is a picture of they mum and dad because he miss them.

  4. Rehyan M.

    The boy show tenacity because he travel 700 miles by himself and used resilience

  5. Sayda A.

    The boy has shows tenacity for his bravery I think that his mom was trying to keep him safe so he can not struggle with the war

  6. Raiyan K.

    I think he wanted to show respect.
    His mum wanted to know if he was ok.

  7. Arfa S.

    I think his mum made him walk all by himself because he is brave
    He used respect and kindness.

    I hope you have a wonderful day.

  8. Sandra A.

    I think the plastic bag have a bottle of water and some food like dinner.

  9. Muazzan M.

    Respect because he went 700 miles by his self
    I think because her mum was sick

  10. Sanad S.

    This boy used the values of never give up.

  11. Elham S.

    His mother made him travel 700 miles because his mum wants him to be safe and because she thinks he needs more advice around the place.

  12. Retaj I.

    The BH value he used is Brilliance his mum made him travel 700 miles because she wanted him to be safe.

  13. Mohammed I.

    I think we need to show respect and kindness to all the other people in Ukraine.

  14. Estera V.

    I think he showed brilliants because he was brave.
    His mum let him go so he can be safe.

  15. Caleb A.

    He showed resilience and Bravery because he didn’t stop walking and never thought to cry or go back to his mum .
    I think his mum made him walk 700 miles to keep him safe and so he doesn’t get caught up in a war while he is still young and that he went far away to a safe place like in the text it says she insured he was safe.

  16. Rafay K.

    I think we need to show respect for ukrain

  17. Kanishka P.

    He showed brilliants because he was brave.
    His mum let him go because his mum thought he was brave.

  18. Nick C.

    A bottle of water and food . Maybe the boy was scared of the war and he was scared maybe his mum died

  19. Esa A.

    I think he has money in the plastic bag

  20. Amanah S.

    I think that the values he showed were individually, resilience and bravery.
    His mother made him travel 700 miles because she thought he was very brave and he could fly 700 miles by himself

  21. Serina I.

    I think he showed bravery resilience and empathy

    1. Serina I.

      She made him travel so he is safe from war

  22. Aayan M.

    KS2- Which BH values did this boy show and why do you think his mother made him travel 700 miles by himself?
    He showed the value of bravery, resilience and individuality.
    She made him travel 700 miles by himself because he would be safe from the Russians attacking Ukraine.

  23. Muhammed A.

    KS2- Which BH values did this boy show and why do you think his mother made him travel 700 miles by himself?
    The values he has shown are individuality, resilience and bravery.
    She made him travel 700 miles by himself because the Russian was attacking the Ukraine and she wanted him to be safe.

  24. Bakary C.

    I think he has to kidders and respect but his mother thought that he was brave

  25. Zakariya K.

    The values he has shown are resilience because he did not give up and carried on. His mother must have thought he was brave enough to to go 700 miles on his own

  26. Aleena I.

    I think the values he showed are resilience and tenacity. His mother might have made him travel 700 miles because it was too dangerous in Ukraine with all of the war taking place there.

  27. Lawy A.

    He has shown Resilience and Individualty
    His Mum was brave strong minded.

  28. Inaaya S.

    I think he have show respect
    His mother thought he was brave

    1. Zahra N.

      I think he had some Respect and was very Smart I think his Mum thought he was brave and showed Respect.

      1. Head Teacher

        Why respect?

  29. Inaaya S.

    I think he have show respect
    His mother thought he was brave and

  30. Aadam R.

    I think he had a bottle of water and some food like dinner in a hot tub and some snacks because he needs to stay highdrated and warm and not hungry. I think it’s very sad and he would be very scared leaving his mum he is really brave even thow he would be really scared.

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