BH Value of brilliance

British Values work alongside our school values. We expect brilliance in some form from everyone. You can be brilliant in actions, in learning and in handling emotions etc. In fact, you can show brilliance in many ways. How have you been brilliant this week in week 1, summer 1?

71 responses to “BH Value of brilliance”

  1. Yoshita P.

    I have shown brilliance by trying my best to succeed in my lessons and helping others in need by helping children who need help with something.and to show brilliance you should communicate with other friends.

  2. Marwah K.

    I gave money to very poor people I see nobody give charity so I give charity good deeds are better.

  3. Sayda A.

    I have been brilliant by working hard on my work and listening to my teacher and I have been listening to the children in my learning and taking part of the lessons

  4. Tasneem S.

    I’m a good friend because I care and shear a lot 🤑🤑🥰🥰💋💋🥹🥹😍😍😇😇

  5. Eliza N.

    I have been brilliant when l was sick in school because I did sick in a bucket 🤩🤮 🪣
    I have also been brilliant by being there for my family and friends 👨‍👩‍👦‍👦 &👯‍♀️

  6. Adrian O.

    I listin to my teacher and work hard.

  7. Arjun G.

    I do homework for my teachers

  8. Ranj M.

    I have been the citizen of the week.

  9. Haroon E.

    I have been brilent beca

  10. Andreea-Maya M.

    I Lisen to my techer

  11. Eva H.

    My dad said that IDoing brilliant in my handwriting and my maths

  12. Mustafa Z.

    I lisen to adult and teachers 👨‍🏫.

  13. Raeesa M.

    I am brilliant because I Help people.
    IShow honesty by Telling the truth.
    I show kindness By using kind hands Kind feet.
    I ShowTeamwork by working in a group.
    I show brilliant byDoing good work.

  14. Muhammed H.

    In art I have done great art

  15. Musa B.

    Doing my homework I have good handwriting I do my reading challenge I do my maths challenge I help people I be kind but i sometimes I get
    angers when people hit not all the time

  16. Sandra A.

    I have be brilliant at handwriting. I have be brilliant to be kind outside .
    I have be brilliant to go to Coventry centre in my trip. I have be brilliant at all my homework. I have be brilliant at doing my Reading challenge and
    Math challenge. I have be brilliant doing art, math, English, Science,
    history .

  17. Isaiah W.

    I have been brilliant buy be an amazing friend on the playground.l have been amazing play with people when they are cross.😡😀

  18. Ebnezere A.

    I have been show Resilience

  19. Ebunoluwa I.

    I can be brilliant by helping others

  20. Nick C.

    I have been brilliant by singing and playing in music with mr Russel

  21. Hanfaa N.

    I have been brilliant by having tenacity and trying to represent our school outside of the perimeter. By going out with our school badge and helping by going to school council meetings and telling the truth in those meetings even when I meet a visitor I will elbow bump🥰

  22. Amina H.

    Keyan said I have used brilliance By trying my best in football because I try to score.
    Amina said I have used brilliance by trying my best in my Art and design because we try are best to make the Egypt.
    Mustafa said i have used tenacity to try hard playing football and to be kind to everyone.

  23. Ramandeep K.

    I have used brilliance by helping other people on my table with also using good manners at school and home.

  24. Joshua C.

    Joshua: I show brilliance by giving my best in my spelling test and maths.
    Inder: I show brilliance by always practicing my times table.
    Vaneza: I show brilliance by improving my art skills.

  25. Aiza B.

    Osas :
    I have been brilliant on the first day of skills academy because in the lesson I have done dodge ball but their is a twist.I have done maths because when your out you have to solve a maths problem and I have done a 3 digit number + a 2 digit number.
    I have been brilliant in skills academy because I love making posters and I made one. We did it in partners and I know I did very well. I made a poster about staying calm and I was very calm when I was creating the poster. Making the posters was so much fun 🤩.
    I have been brilliant in skills academy by listening and focusing on the lyrics of the song we were doing a dance to the beat of the music it was really fun and I want to do it again.🎶

  26. Aaron G.

    I have been brilliant by improving my work in my spelling test.

  27. Arfa S.

    I have used brilliance by being nice to people and taking care of them.
    Even showing respect to my teachers.
    And also finishing my work.
    I am also doing neat handwriting and doing good work .

    Thank you 💝

  28. Meena B.

    I have shown brilliance by trying to make my art design good and also i showed brilliance by helping a emotions and emotional people.
    I get away with everything very easily and I show brilliance every day because I love to make people smile and happy.

  29. Nihal P.

    Nihal has done brilliance in his dance class at school
    Anish has done brilliance at animations

    1. Miss Holland

      How have you used brilliance in these activities?

  30. Mopelola L.

    I have been brilliant by…..
    Nicolas-I have been brilliant in P.E by improving my skills and being a good sport.⚽️🥅👍🏻
    Mo-I have been brilliant in English by improving my handwriting and listening to make a good fact-file😇😊

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