Broad Heath takes 360 We are pleased to announce that we have received the 360 Online Safety Mark. A massive thank you to everyone in supporting our children to stay
ouTube is rolling out a new “parent code” feature on its TV app, giving parents more control over what their kids watch on YouTube. According to Google’s support page, once enabled, The Winter Fun programme, which will run from Saturday 21st December 2024 to Sunday 5th January 2025, includes free sessions to The Wave, Planet Ice, and day trips to pantomimes, farms, and
Please make sure to check all details are correct before submitting the application. You will also need to ensure that your contact details are correct so we can contact you
Today we managed to raise £360 for Children in Need! Thank you to all the children that brought in a donation; we hope you have had a fantastic day!
Hanford Close
West Midlands