Mrs Cheema

  • 4 Blue Pen Licenses Autumn 2 – Week 2

    Well done to Ahmed and Ismaeel in 4 Blue who gained a pen license today.

  • Year 4 Phonics

    Good morning Year 4! Your phonics practice for this week is based around the ’ee’ sound. Reflect on the different…

  • Year 4 Spellings – Autumn 2

    Hi Year 4. Here are your spellings for this term. You must practice your spellings every day. Your spelling test…

  • Year 4 Portfolios – Autumn 1 2021

    Maths Science English Topic

  • Art Around the World Week in 4 Blue

    Wow! What an exciting and knowledgeable experience we have had in 4 Blue this week, learning all about Eastern Europe…

  • Explanation Texts

    As part of our new topic this term in English, 4 Blue have been looking at explanation texts. An explanation…

  • Addition and Subtraction

    As part of our learning in Maths this week, are learning about Addition and Subtraction. Addition is one operation of…

  • Roman Numerals

    Today in Maths, 4 Blue have been learning all about Roman Numerals. We used match sticks to make our own…

  • Pen Licenses! 😃

    Congratulations to these children in 4 Blue for gaining their pen license this term. Aran Jamaal Hasbia Meharunisa Ghazala Ali…

  • Our Teeth

    This afternoon in 4 Blue, we have been learning about our teeth, the different types of teeth we have and…

  • Place Value

    This term in Maths, Year 4 will be learning all about Place Value. Let’s start by looking at these numbers……

  • The Digestive System

    As part of our learning this term, Year 4 will be learning about The Digestive System. What is the digestive…

  • This is Me Week in 4 Blue

    This week, as part of our project week ’This is Me’, 4 Blue have been learning about valuing differences and…