Mr Mahmood

  • Y1 Homework Week 5

    Please choose 2 activities to complete. Maths – Please complete the Maths challenge. You will find this here: comment…

  • 1Blue- Science Week 5

    Today was the day where we answered the final scientific question of our unit, Our Senses. What a fun way…

  • 1Blue – English and Art! WK4

    What a bunch of superstars I have in my class! 1Blue, you are AMAZING! English – The children enjoyed learning…

  • 1Blue STAR Spellers WK4

    1Blue celebrate these STAR Spellers who achieved the amazing score of 10! Lots of children are not practising at home…

  • Y1 Homework Week 4

    Please choose 2 activities to complete. Watch the video below and practise writing your numbers neatly to 10. Please write…

  • 1Blue – Science Week 4

    This week’s scientific question : How does my tongue help me to taste? The children tasted a variety of different…

  • Y1 Alien Day

    Year 1 turned into Alien School! Please take a look at the videos below to see what our little aliens…

  • Y1 Counting By 2’s

    Hi Year 1. You have all been learning to count by 2’s in your maths lessons. To become more confident,…

  • 1B STAR Spellers!

    Well done to these STAR spellers who achieved a perfect score of 10! Please practise week 4 spellings!

  • Y1 Homework Week 3

    Please choose 2 activities to complete. Maths is on Education City.English – Please complete the reading challenge on the BH…

  • 1Blue – English (Alien School)

    The children spoke so beautifully and clearly when retelling the story, Welcome To Alien School. Please watch the video below…

  • 1Blue – Geography

    1Blue enjoyed answering 2 Alien questions today! The children are all fantastic BH citizens and we cannot wait for the…

  • 1Blue – English and Science!

    It has been a very busy day in 1Blue! The children showed off their fantastic acting, speaking and role-playing skills…

  • 1Blue-STAR Spellers!

    Last week’s record has been broken! We have SO many STAR spellers this week who achieved top marks! Well done…

  • Y1 European Day – France

    Bonjour!Today Year 1 have been learning about France!After a discussion at the start of the day, it was clear that…

  • 1Blue – Super Speakers!

    Today, my 1Blue superstars spoke clearly in sentences. This will help them when writing sentences tomorrow. Please take a look…

  • 1Blue – Science WK2

    Today, the children carried out a test. Their scientific question was; Can sound travel along a piece of string? Let’s…

  • 1Blue – Science

    1Blue LOVE Science! Our Science unit for this half term is called, ’Using Our Senses.’ The children learned the names…

  • 1Blue STAR Spellers!

    Well done to these STAR spellers who achieved 10/10 in this week’s spelling test! Please ensure you are practising daily…

  • 1Blue – Geography

    Our Spectacular School is our Geography unit for this half term. I had the pleasure of reading a great book…

  • 1Blue – Dino-English

    Today for English, the children enjoyed speaking clearly in sentences. The children went on a ’senses’ walk around school. Please…

  • Dino-Maths in 1Blue

    As you all know, our class mantra is, ’Roaring To Success’. The children today, impressed me with their amazing maths…

  • 1Blue – This Is Me!

    It has been a wonderful week welcoming the children back to school! Our Mantra is ‘Roaring To Success!’ and it…