Y1 Maths Challenge Spring 1

Hi Year 1, Please choose a challenge to complete. You can complete more than one if you wish! Please write your answers on this blog or in your Homework book. Winners will be announced at the end of term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD

Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 1

Hi Superstars! Here is your Spring 1 Reading Challenge. Read this information text on Tigers and pick a challenge to complete. Write your answers in the comment section or in your Homework book. Bronze 1) What do tigers have on their fur? 2) Which word describes the tiger’s tail? 3) Where do most tigers live? […]

Y1 Maths Challenge Spring 2

Hi Year 1! Your Maths Challenges this half term are based on measuring length. Choose a challenge and write your answers on the blog. The best response will be chosen for a prize in our Challenge assembly at the end of term! Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD

Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Hi Year 1. For your reading challenge, you will use your inference skills to find clues in the pictures below. Please answer in full sentences. The best response will win a special prize! BRONZEI think it is someone’s birthday.Explain what makes me say that. e.g. I think it is someone’s birthday because… SILVERWhat season do […]

Year 1 Reading Challenge Spring 1

Hi Superstars! Here is your Spring 1 Reading Challenge. Read this information text on Tigers and pick a challenge to complete. Write your answers in the comment section below 😁 Bronze 1) What do tigers have on their fur? 2) Which word describes the tiger’s tail? 3) Where do most tigers live? 4) What is […]

Year 1 Maths Challenge Spring 1

Hi Year 1, Please choose a challenge to complete. You can complete more than one if you wish! Winners will be announced at the end of term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD UPLOAD YOUR WORK HERE