1R Well-being Day with 5R
Y1 We Need Plastic Bottles
Y1 Well-being Day THURSDAY
1R Marble Runs
1R Orange group – Model Birds
Y1 Stay & Play 18.05.23
1R Capacity & Volume
1R Stay & Play
Y1 Marble Runs
Y1 Stay & Play 04.05.23
Y1 Coronation Day 05.05.23
Y1 Head Lice
1R Stay & Play
Y1 Reading Challenge Summer 1
Hi Year 1! Choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on the blog or in your homework book.The best response will win a special prize in the challenge assembly! Good luck! BRONZE SILVER Choose a character to describe. Remember to use interesting adjectives, capital letters, full stops and finger spaces. Can you […]
Y1 Maths Challenge Summer 1
Hi Year 1, Please choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or in your homework book. Winners will be announced at the end of the half term. Good luck! BRONZE SILVER GOLD