Miss Smith

  • Y1 Local Area Walk

    Hi Year 1, On Monday afternoon, we will be going on a short walk along St Paul’s Road and through…

  • Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2

    Read the story below and choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or write…

  • Y1 Maths Challenge Spring 2

    Hi Year 1! Your Maths Challenges this half term are based on measuring length. Choose a challenge and write your…

  • Y1 Friday

    Hi everyone, It will be Non-Uniform Day on Friday! Please could all children bring 50p. Just to confirm – the…

  • 1R Well-being Day

    What a fantastic day we have had! Thank you for making me smile 1Red! We made Valentines cards for the…

  • Y1 Well-Being Day

    Hi everybody, Tomorrow is our Well-Being Day. Please can all children wear their BH P.E kits. Thank you, Miss Smith

  • 1R Salt dough Sculptures

    This half term, during our Art lessons, we have been looking at the work of Antony Gormley. Next week we…

  • Year 1 Parents Meeting 01/02/24

    Dear Year 1 Parents, We would like to invite you to join us for a parents meeting on Thursday, 1st…

  • 1R Stay & Play 25.01.23

    Hi 1Red, This week our Stay & Play session will be craft based, linked to our English unit on ‘Sharks’!…

  • 1R Numbers to 20

    In Maths, we have been learning more about numbers to 20. We have been using different manipulatives to create numbers…

  • 1R Soft toys

    Hi 1Red, We are setting up a ‘Vets’ role play area in our classroom. If you have any cuddly animal…

  • 1R Stay & Play 18.01.23

    Hi Year 1, Every Thursday, different parents will be invited to join and take part in our learning!  This week,…

  • 1R Stay & Play

    Another brilliant turnout today! It was brilliant to see the children showing off their Phonics skills to their grown ups!…

  • 1R Fiction & Non-fiction

    This week, in English, we looked at the difference between fiction and non-fiction texts. We sorted books into two piles…

  • 1R Fantastic Foleshill Walk

    In Geography, we are learning about our local area. On Monday, we braved the cold and went on a walk…

  • 1R Stay & Play 11.01.24

    Hi Year 1, This week, our Stay & Play sessions will begin. Every Thursday, different parents will be invited to…

  • 1R Local area walk

    Hi Year 1, On the first day back at school, Monday 8th January 2023, we will be going on a…

  • Year 1 Maths Challenge – Spring 1 2024

    Hi Year 1, Please choose a challenge to complete. You can complete more than one if you wish! Please write…

  • Year 1 Reading Challenge – Spring 1 2024

    Hi superstars! Here is your Spring 1 Reading Challenge. Read this information text on Tigers and pick a challenge to…

  • 1R Around the World Week

    Off we went on our flight to Handa’s home of Kenya! We found Africa on a world map and labelled…

  • 1R Well-being Day

    Thank you for another wonderful day 1Red! This morning we were thinking about where money comes from. We understood that…

  • 1R Stay & Play Week 5

    Hi Year 1, On Thursday 14th December, our Stay & Play will be a Christmas craft session as part of…

  • Y1 Well-being Day 14.12.23

    Hi Year 1, On Thursday we will have our Well-Being Day! All children need to wear their P.E kits, including…

  • 1R Christmas Day

    BEST… DAY… EVER!! You all looked so special! We had so much fun celebrating together. Take a look at what…

  • Y1 Christmas Day

    Hi everybody, To finish our Celebrations topic, we will be having a very special ‘Christmas Day’ on Monday 11th December…

  • 1R Stay & Play

    We would like to say a huge thank you to our wonderful parents who joined us on Thursday! Your support…

  • 1R Stay & Play

    Hi Year 1, This week, our Stay & Play sessions will begin. Every Thursday, different parents will be invited to…

  • 1R Bonfire🔥

    This week, in History, we learnt how the tradition of celebrating Bonfire Night first began! We had our very own…

  • Y1 Diwali Assembly

    WOW Year 1! WOW! WOW! WOW! What an amazing bunch you are! We were absolutely blown away by your performance…

  • Y1 Diwali Assembly

    Hi everybody, We would like to invite you to our Diwali assembly on Thursday 16th November 2023 at 2:30. Please…