Y1 France Day FRIDAY
1W Our Spectacular School
1W Super Spellers ⭐️
Y1 Homework Aut1 Week1
Y1 Reading Challenge Autumn 1
Hi Year 1, Firstly, practise reading the sounds below and then read the words. Now use your knowledge to read the ditty below… You can complete your challenge on the blog or on paper. Please upload your work to the Sharepoint below.1R UPLOAD HERE 1W UPLOAD HERE 1B UPLOAD HERE BRONZE How many words can […]
Year 1 Maths Challenge Autumn 1
Hi Year 1, You can complete your challenge on the blog or on paper. Please upload your work to the Sharepoint below.1R UPLOAD HERE 1W UPLOAD HERE 1B UPLOAD HERE BRONZE SILVER(Instead of cubes you could use sweets, pasta, lego… any objects!) GOLD