Miss Smith

  • Y1 PE tomorrow

    Hi Year 1, As we have Transition day on Wednesday, we will have PE tomorrow (Tuesday). Please wear your PE…

  • RW – Welcome to 1Red!

    Hi Reception White – our new little wild things! We are soooo excited to meet you all properly on Wednesday…

  • 1R Ash End Farm

    Well… what a fantastic final trip we have had in Year 1! Today we visited Ash End House Farm to…

  • Y1 We need junk!

    Hi Year 1, On Monday, we will be creating our own models of the countryside. Please could you collect anything…

  • Y1 Ash End Farm Trip REMINDER

    Hi Year 1, Just a reminder that on THURSDAY 27th JUNE (this week), we will be going to Ash End…

  • 1R Poppy sketches

    This half term we are studying the artwork of Georgia Oโ€™Keeffe. Last week we went outside to observe wild flowers…

  • 1R Fatherโ€™s Day

    Thank you to all the grown ups who joined us yesterday for a fantastic Stay & Play session. The children…

  • 1B Stay & Play

    Hi everyone, We’re excited to announce that this week’s Stay & Play will be an arts and crafts session dedicated…

  • 1W Stay & Play

    Hi everyone, We’re excited to announce that this week’s Stay & Play will be an arts and crafts session dedicated…

  • 1R Stay & Play

    Hi everyone, We’re excited to announce that this week’s Stay & Play will be an arts and crafts session dedicated…

  • Y1 Phonics Screening Check

    Hi everyone,In two weeks, all Year 1 children will be taking the Phonics Screening Check. Here is a test from…

  • 1W Stay & Play

    Hi everyone, Our Stay & Play session this week will be based upon the Phonics Screening Check which is taking…

  • 1B Stay & Play

    Hi everyone, Our Stay & Play session this week will be based upon the Phonics Screening Check which is taking…

  • 1R Stay & Play

    Hi everyone, Our Stay & Play session this week will be based upon the Phonics Screening Check which is taking…

  • 1R Phonics HOMEWORK

    Hi 1Red, Throughout the week, it would be brilliant if you could watch some of the Phonics videos at home!…

  • Bric-a-brac donations

    This year for the Summer fair, Year 1 will be running a Bric-a-Brac stall. We are really excited about this…

  • Y1 Maths Challenge Summer 2

    Hi Year 1,Pick a money challenge to solve. Write your answers on this blog or in your homework book.The best…

  • Y1 Reading Challenge Summer 2

    Hi Year 1. This half term, in Science, we are learning about plants. Please read the information below. Bronze Pick…


    Hi 1Blue, Throughout the week, it would be brilliant if you could watch some of the Phonics videos at home!…


    Hi 1White, Throughout the week, it would be brilliant if you could watch some of the Phonics videos at home!…

  • 1R Entrepreneur Week

    Our week was off to a GREAT start with a visit from a real artist! This entrepreneur makes money from…

  • Y1 Phonics Screening Check

    Home reading โ€“ you can make a difference this half-term! Dear parents/ carers, Your child has made super progress in…

  • Y1 Phonics Homework

    Hi children, This week we have been learning some new sounds! Please watch the lessons below at home to practise.…

  • 1R Herbert Art Gallery Trip

    What a fantastic day we have had! The children were just brilliant walking all the way to the Herbert Art…

  • 1R Trip to Herbert Art Gallery

    Hi 1Red, On Monday 13th May 2024, we will be walking to the Herbert Art Gallery in Coventry city centre.…

  • Y1 Well-Being Day

    What a fantastic afternoon we had! We took part in a variety of activities to develop our well-being in different…

  • 1R Play Project

    As part of our Well-being day, we completed another fantastic Play Project! We were given the challenge to create our…

  • 1R Marble Runs

    This half term, the children have carried out a STEAM project to create their own marble runs. The children have…

  • Y1 Well-Being Day

    Hi parents, Just a reminder to ensure you are checking the newsletter, class blogs, calendar, signs outside the classrooms etc.…