Miss Matthias

  • 1 W The Tiger Who Came To Tea.

    This is a brief retelling of the story ‘The tiger who Came to Tea’ told by the children in 1W.…

  • 1W Spring 2 week 1 SUPER SPELLERS!

    What a start to spring 2! This week we had 19 super spellers! A huge well done from me and…

  • 1White’s World Book Day!

    What a day it has been! Our focus book today was ’The tiger who came to tea’ by Judith Kerr.…

  • 1 White Homework Spring 2.

    Hello 1White. Here is your homework for Spring 2. Please make sure you complete 2 activities. Please can you also…

  • 1W Design week

    This week the children have been looking at different types of houses that would be suitable to build and live…

  • 1W Animation week

    This week we have been learning all about stop motion animation! this children have really enjoyed this new form of…

  • Week 5 & Week 6 Super Spellers

    A huge congratulations to the super spellers from last week and this week! Week 5 we had 19 super spellers!…

  • 1W Talent Show

    On Monday some of our children were in the KS1 and early years talent show! Here’s what they did: 😁…

  • 1W 1W what do you see?

    Last week the children were looking at patterned stories here is our adaptation of Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do…

  • 1W well-being day.

    Today the children enjoyed a different kind of learning. We went swimming tried our hands at gymnastics and got crafty…

  • 1W Final Sculptures

    Today the children made their final sculptures from our art project. We have a range of animals from deers, koalas,…

  • 1W Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to our super spellers this week in 1W! We are so proud!

  • 1W Monkey and Me

    Today in English we were looking at stories with predictable and patterned phrases. Here is 1W’s new phrases for Monkey…

  • 1 White Draft Session

    In our art lessons the children have been looking at the artist Antony Gormley. This week the children used natural…

  • Super Spellers!

    A huge congratulations to this weeks super spellers in 1 White! I can not believe 19 children got full marks…

  • 1W Shark Documentary 🦈

    Through this term so far, in English, 1 White have been reading and learning about shark through information texts. This…

  • 1W Animal visit.

    1 white enjoyed the animal visit yesterday. All the children were excited to see interesting and amazing animals that we…