Mr Kane

  • Gothic Poem performance.

    To help us recall stanzas from our Victorian poem we used our acting skills to consider intonation, emotions, and themes.…

  • DT materials collection.

    Year 5, Please can you bring any cardboard boxes in throughout this week in preparation for our DT project week.…

  • Spring 1 week 4

    What a great week! 5 White have had a lovely week. We are continuing to make progress in English and…

  • Spring 2 week 3

    5 White have had an amazing week! The class have produced some lovely work in English, demonstrating their newly acquired…

  • Spring 2 week 2

    It has been excellent working with 5 White this week. We have built on the positive start had last week.…

  • 5 White detective drama

    Today we worked in groups of three to act out sections of a traditional detective story. We made progress by…

  • Spring Week 1

    5 White have had an amazing first week back. The pupils have settled back into school really well, me and…

  • 5 White Week 6 (science)

    5 White have had a great penultimate week of term 1. As always 5 White have been a pleasure to…

  • 5 White weekly blog.

    What a fantastic week of learning we have had in 5 White. We have been exploring area and perimeter in…

  • Persuasive Drama- 5 White

    Hi 5 White, Today, we created adverts to persuade our audience to buy our product. Please look at some of…

  • 5 White week 4 blog and homework.

    5 white have had an impressive week. The children have worked extremely hard completing learning journeys in both Maths and…

  • 5 White – Science and Homework

    5 white, you have had an amazing week this week. All of the children have constantly worked really hard. In…

  • Autumn 2 week 2

    An excellent week was had by all in 5 White. As always their behaviour has been exemplary which has allowed…

  • Year 5 Maths challenge Autumn 2.

    Hi Year 5! Can you use your multiplication and division skills to take on the challenge for Autumn 2? Bronze…

  • Year 5 USA day

    As part of our G7 project week, year 5 has spent the day focusing on our key G7 county the…

  • Forces involved in launching a rocket- 5 White

    Today as scientists we conducted an experiment combining alka seltzer and water to see how far we could launch our…

  • 5 White week 6 homework

    5 White have had another incredible week gaining and working hard. 1960โ€™s day was a real highlight and the childrenโ€™s…

  • 5 White weekly round up.

    What an amazing week weโ€™ve had in 5 White. A new unit in English and Maths plus an amazing science…


    5 white a gentle reminder that you will need you white t shirts for tie dyeing tomorrow. 08/10/2021

  • 5 white week 4.

    5 White have had another amazing week this week. The behaviour on display has been as always outstanding and the…

  • Week 3 5 white

    5 White have had an amazing week this week. Their behaviour has been exemplary as per usual. The class have…

  • Year 5 White week 2.

    5 white has had another fantastic week, the children’s work as well as attitude has gone from strength to strength…

  • Autumn 1 Year 5 White Week 1

    Well, what an amazing start we’ve had to Autumn term 1. I am very proud of the way in which…