Year 5 Stratford and The MAD Museum
Year 5 Wellbeing Day
Year 5 PE Kit Update
5 White’s Science Week
PCSOs visit year 5 to talk about online safety
5W investigate area of rectangles
5 White’s Well-being Day
Year 5 Spring 2 Week 4 Homework
Y5 Wellbeing Day 15.3.24
5 White Visit The Canal Basin
Y5 Long Spellings for Spring 2
Year 5 Spring 2 Week 3 Homework
Year 5 Swimming
World Book Day in 5 White
5W get a visit from Warwickshire Wildlife Trust
World Book Day In Year 5
Year 5 Spring 2 Week 2 Homework
Year 5 Week 2 Spelling Practise
Reviewing Editing Skills- Year 5
5W review addition and subtraction
Year 5 Spring 2 Week 1 Homework
Year 5 Visit to Coventry Canal Basin 13th March
5W investigate Non-Fiction Texts
Year 5 Maths Challenge Spring 2
Hello Year 5, This half term’s Maths Challenge links to our Rivers topic. Bronze The River Nile is 4132 miles long – round to the nearest 1000, 100 or 10. Where are the coldest waters in the world? Find the location of the coldest waters around the world and identify the average temperature. Put the […]
Year 5 Reading Challenge Spring 2
Hi Year 5, Your challenge is to read through this article (click on the link): The article is on whether dams destroy rivers – you need to read it through all the way to the end (you may need to look up any words you are unfamiliar with). This is a challenging piece, but it […]