Mrs Latham

  • 4 Blue Shading

    Today, 4 Blue were refining their shading skills to incorporate into their volcanic pictures. What shading techniques can you spot…

  • Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 3 Homework

    Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces…

  • 4 Blue Texture Learning Blog

    Today, we are learning about texture in art. You will research the way that texture is used by artists.,lines%20to%20form%20their%20images.…

  • 4 Blue Investigate Teeth

    Today, we were learning how to keep our teeth healthy. We learnt about enamel and plaque and how brushing our…

  • Year 4 Autumn 1 Week 2 Homework

    Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces…

  • Greek Salad Extension Tasks Year 4

    Today, you are making Greek Salads and producing a recipe to accompany it. Here’s some learning you can do to…

  • 4 Blue are Place Value Superstars

    Today, we leant about place value. We reviewed our prior learning on different representations of 4-digit numbers. Then we leant…

  • 4 Blue are artists!

    4 Blue have been improving their skills with watercolour paints. They started by experimenting with different brushes and ways to…

  • This is 4B

    Wow! What a lovely first week of year 4! The children have worked hard on our This is Me project…

  • Resilience Poetry

    Today, 4 Blue wrote poems all about resilience. we were inspired by the words, themes and messages of the song…