Miss Akhtar

  • Welcome to 5 Red!

    See you next Wednesday on transition day! :)

  • Year 4 meet Year 5

    This week, as part of 5 Redโ€™s PSHEโ€™s lesson, they were asked to create a presentation to share their memories…

  • Groovy Greeks

    This week, 5 Red have been learning about all things Greeks! They have started a new English topic based on…

  • End of Summer 1

    5 Red have had a fantastic project week this week, focusing on Entrepreneur Week! They had an amazing opportunity to…

  • Brick Wall Winners X2

    A massive congratulations to 5 Red for completing their brick wall for the second time this year!!! Myself and Mrs.…

  • 5 Red & Stratford-Upon-Avon

    Watch this iMovie to check out our adventure yesterday! What was your most favourite part?

  • Well-being Wednesday

    This week, 5 Red had a fantastic well-being day. They took part in a range of activities. Have a look…

  • Crown My Thoughts With Acts

    This week, 5 Red have started their new English topic: Macbeth. The children have been working hard to understand the…

  • Year 5 Reading Challenge Summer 1

    Here is your reading challenge for this term! Each challenge has a comprehension question and a more open-ended task. shakespeare-text…

  • Year 5 Maths Challenge Summer 1

    Here is your Maths challenge for this term! Bronze Silver Gold Platinum Now make your own puzzle for someone else…

  • Easter Holiday Homework

    Hello 5 Red. Happy holidays! Please make sure you take this time to unwind and recharge but remember, the learning…

  • Coventry Canal Basin Trip

    On Wednesday, Year 5 visited the Coventry canal basin. We walked down there as a class and then completing various…

  • Round to 1 decimal place

    Hello Mathematicians (5 Red), consolidate your learning by watching the video below and trying these questions. Round these numbers to…

  • Rivers

    This week, 5 Red have started their new topic on Rivers in Geography. Have a look at their outstanding double…

  • Vile Victorians

    Today, 5 Red visited the Black Country Museum. They experienced sights, sounds, smells, and tastes of the Black Country and…

  • Bus stop revision

    Watch this video to consolidate your learning on short division. Please ask if you need help!

  • Spring 1 Brick Wall Winners!!!

    I am so pleased to share that we have won the brick wall challenge for this term! As one of…

  • 5 Red are flying!

    This week, 5 Red have been using their investigation skills to test out the effect of air resistance and gravity…

  • Long multiplication revision

    Consolidate your learning from today’s lesson by giving these a go: 1. 22 x 12= 2. 31 x 11= 3.…

  • We are poets

    5 Red have completed their poetry unit by writing and performing their own gothic poems. These have been inspired by…

  • Super Spellers

    We are Super Spellers โญ๏ธThis week 26/30 children achieved full marks in their spelling test! Keep it up! Can we…

  • Miss Akhtarโ€™s actors and actresses

    5 Red have been working hard on their English unit this term. Watch the video below to check out what…

  • Super Spellers

    Who will get 10/10? What are your strategies for practising your spellings?

  • Super Spellers

    Here are your new set of spellings to learn: Also, a massive well done to these children for achieving full…

  • Design & Technology

    Hi Year 5! As part of our Design and Technology learning, we will be evaluating, designing and creating our own…

  • Super spellers

    The next 10 spellings are here! Challenge: Which word(s) have the greatest number of syllables?

  • Super Spellers

    It’s back! Learn these 10 words, ready to be tested next Friday. Challenge: How many syllables does each word have?

  • Year 5 Spanish Day

    Hola Amigos, Year 5 are hosting a very exciting and enriching Spanish themed day on Wednesday 22nd November 2023. We will be…

  • We are FANtastic!

    5 Red have been busy constructing their own fans as part of STEAM project week. They have used the values…

  • Year 5 Autumn 2 Reading Challenge

    Welcome back, Year 5! Have a go at your Reading challenge for this term. Bronze Challenge: How many festivals are…