Ms Khan

  • 2 Red Tigers

    This week, we have written non-chronological reports all about tigers. After writing our reports, we spent time reading them aloud.…

  • Hello 1 White, Welcome to 2 Red!

    What are your hobbies?What is your favourite subject?

  • 2 Red English

    Today, we created a documentary about tigers in the style of David Attenborough. What other information do you know?

  • 2 Red Entrepreneur Week Day 2

    Today, we thought about what we would like to be when we grow up. We also had a visit from…

  • 2 Red’s Well-being Day

    Today, we had a VE themed well-being day. In the morning, we made preparations for our VE celebration by making…

  • 2 Red Design Technology

    In Design Technology, 2 Red made a vehicle with wheels that moved. Please watch our video below to see how…

  • 2 Red Explore the History of Coventry

    Today, we went on a tour of Coventry to find out about its rich history. We visited the transport museum,…

  • 2 Red Science Week

    This week, the big question was: what foods keep us healthy?We began with categorising different foods and learning about the…

  • World Book Day in 2 Red

    Today, we focused on the book ‘The Dragon Painter’ by Lesley Sims. We made puppets and acted out the story.…

  • Art in 2 Red

    This half term, we are learning about the artist Rachel Dien. Her art is inspired by nature, so we took…

  • 2 Red make a disgusting sandwich!

    Today, 2 Red listened to the story ‘The Disgusting Sandwich’ then went outdoors to make their own disgusting sandwich. Can…

  • 2 Red Follow Instructions!

    Today, we followed a set of instructions to make a banana milkshake. We began with checking we had all the…

  • Year 2 Citzenship

    Today, we interviewed some of the people in our school to find out how they contribute to our school community.…

  • 2 Red Peru

    This week, we have been learning about the country Peru. A very famous bear came to England from this country, his…

  • 2 Red’s Christmas Themed Well-being Day

    We began with making snowflakes and writing apt words on them. List some apt words for winter. We played Pictionary,…

  • Victorian Day in 2 Red

    Would you like to be a child in the Victorian Era?

  • Learning in 2 Red

    In science, we made and tested catapults. In English, we have began work on a new fairy tale – Hansel…

  • Art in 2 Red

    Today, we created seascapes using different textures. We were inspired by the artist Van Gogh. What steps were involved?What materials…

  • 2 Red Design Technology

    As part of our DT this half term, we have designed and made healthy sandwiches. I heard quite of few…

  • 2 Red – All about Me

    This week, the focus has been all about me, our school rules and values. Below are some of the things…

  • Science Week in 1 Blue – Day 2

    Birds We began the day bird spotting and making nests! What birds can you name? Unfortunately we only spotted a…

  • Science Week in 1 Blue – Day 1

    Insects Today, we went on a minibeast hunt. What do all insects have? Where can you find them? How many…

  • Well being day in Year 1

    Swimming Today in swimming we celebrated all our achievements in the pool with a dance party! Students had a go…

  • Year 1 Church Visit Friday 14th July

    Dear Parents/Carers, We are going on a visit to St Pauls Church on Friday 14th July. We will be leaving…

  • Science Week in Year 1

    Hi Parents/Carers,Next week is Science week, one of the activities we will be doing on Monday is making insects from…

  • 1 Blue Transition Day in 2 Red

    On Monday, we had the opportunity to visit our new classroom and meet our lovely LSA Mrs Browning. We also…

  • 1 Blue West Midlands Safari Park Trip

    A big thank you to our parent helpers: Sam’s mum, Ibraheem’s dad, Adam’s mum and ‘Safiyyah’s and Shanum’s mum Lola.

  • 1 Blue becomes 2 Red

    We hope you are as excited as we are & you’re looking forward to ‘Making your mark’ in 2Red… Make…

  • 1 Blue – Counting in 2s, 5s and 10s!

    Good morning 1 Blue and Grown ups on this fine sunny day!Following on from our Stay and Play session; please…