6 Red Blood Composition
Festive Carol Singing
Y6 CGP revision books
Y6 Wellbeing Day
Year 6 Children In Need Day
English: Young Journalist
Japanese sports!
Happy Diwali Six Red!
Sadako and the thousand paper cranes drama workshop
UK Parliament Week #UKPW 2021
Y6 P.E. Kits -Monday
Six Red’s Art Around the World Week!
Aboriginal Art (Day 1)
Y6 Homework (Due 20.10.21)
Y6 Dovedale Trip (14.10.21)
Day 4: Miniature Wolves have escaped!
Day 3: Bee Evacuation
Day 2: Disaster struck!
Day1: An unusual game
Year 6 Homework Tasks (Due 29/09/21)
European Languages Day- Norway
6 Red Week 1 Homework
Evolution & Inheritance (Lesson 1)
6Red Intervention & Club reminders
Secondary School Open Evenings
Y6 Reading challenge (Autumn 1)
This half term you will experience the life of an adventurer when trekking mountains in the Peak District as part of your Geography learning. Therefore this challenge will be right up your valley – see what I did there? ;) Below are several links all about a man, a man who broke world records at […]