Mrs A Patel

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Well done all the children in 3Blue for getting full marks in their spelling test today. Please keep practicing your…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers

    Well done everyone for scoring full marks in your spelling test. Well done everyone!

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to all the children who scored full marks in their spelling test today. Please start practicing your Summer-2 spellings…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers, and receiving Pen Licence!

    Congratulations to all those children who got 9 and 10 spellings correct in their spelling test. We are very proud…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers

    Congratulations to all the children who scored 9 and 10 in their spelling test. Please practice your week5 spellings as…

  • Terrifying Tutankhamun – 3 Blue

    Today children created fantastic posters all about the wonderful, mysterious, young ruler Tutankhamun. They researched about his past, the myths…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Wow we have lots of children who scored 9 and 10 spellings correct in their spelling test. Mrs.Farooq and Mrs.…

  • Receiving Pen Licence in 3Blue!

    Congratulations to Waniya, Kayla, Aurora, Gurshaan and Reyn for achieving a Pen Licence for their beautiful handwriting. Well done! ๐Ÿ˜Š

  • Making Money ๐Ÿ’ฐ 3 Blue

    Today children recognised the value of money and put them in order of lowest to highest value. They were able…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to everyone who scored 10 and 9 spellings correct in their spelling test. Well done everyone!

  • Formal vs Informal Letters

    Today children explored formal and informal letters and looked at the features of both. They read letters and decided which…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to all the children who practiced their weekly spellings and scored 9and 10 in their spelling test. Well done…

  • We have the Power

    Year 3 have been learning this song over the last 3 weeks as part of our learning. This shows our…

  • Fantastic Fractions

    Today children practiced the difference between unit and non unit fractions with particular emphasis on the numerator. The children matched…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to all the children who have scored full marks in their Spelling Test. Well done everyone. Please remember to…

  • 3Blue Measuring Capacity and Volume (ml)

    Today in Maths children took part in many activities showcasing their understanding of capacity and volume in millilitres. They did…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to all the children in 3Blue who scored full marks in their spelling test today. Well done!

  • Super Spellers in 3 Blue

    Congratulations to all the children photographed for amazing scores of 9 and 10 out of 10 ๐Ÿ˜Š ๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ˜ƒ ๐ŸŽ‰…

  • Pen License in 3 Blue

    congratulations to Nicholas, Maryum, Ella and Hannah in 3Blue for receiving a Pen Licence for their beautiful handwriting. Well done…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to all children in 3Blue who scored full marks in their spelling test this week. Well done and remember…

  • 3Blue practical measuring!

    3 Blue did a wonderful practical activity involving measuring children and then comparing the lengths. They used terminology such as…

  • 3Blue Super spellers!

    Congratulations to all the children who scored full marks in their spelling test. Well done!

  • 3Blue measuring length

    Today we moved onto length. We spoke about the different units including cm, m and mm. we also looked at…

  • Super spellers 3 Blue

    An amazing photograph of children in 3 Blue all achieving 10 out of 10 in their spelling test. We are…

  • 3Blue super spellers

    We are very proud of all the children who scored full marks in their spelling test today! Please practice your…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    Congratulations to all the children in 3Blue who scored full marks in their spelling test. Well done everyone! Please make…

  • 3Blue making Christmas Decorations!

    Today children learnt about Sinterklaas and his involvement in Christmas in the Netherlands. Have a look at their amazing Christmas…

  • Super addition By Haseeb!

    Today Haseeb worked hard with adding and using cubes. He did a fantastic job and you cansee the video below…

  • Creating a fantastic class biome

    3 Blue created a wonderful biome which was full of creativity and imagination. They recreated the scene of a rainforest…

  • 3Blue Super Spellers!

    congratulations children for scoring full marks in your spelling test. Please make sure you practice week -5 spellings and your…