This week’s attendance figure is 91.8%

This attendance is a concern!

We have too many children taking days off with minor ailments. May I remind parents that medicines can be administered in school. We need to aim for an attendance figure of 97-100% next week.

Have a lovely weekend!

15 responses to “Attendance w/e 2nd December 2022”

  1. Neda S.

    Ok 🤍

  2. Musa B.

    Nice 👍

  3. Luxor A.

    Not good, we need more people in, come on.

  4. Sara H.

    hopefully everyone is in next week

  5. Esa A.

    great job

  6. Diyako K.


  7. Zainab A.

    Well done

  8. Tana I.

    Have a good weekend

  9. Tana I.

    We just need 9 till it’s 100% of people coming to our school

  10. Tipian I.

    We should be having a lot of attendance next time let’s have 100 💯

  11. Nihit N.

    Hopefully the attendance rises next week, have a nice weekend everyone!

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