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Art & Science Week: Exploring Light!

Today we started our investigation by learning about how light interacts with the world around us. In groups we carried out experiments exploring which materials casted shadows. Afterwards we applied our scientific knowledge to design and create our own shadow puppets. In the afternoon we used our creativity and imagination to create our own shadow show expressing the value of kindness.

Please answer the questions below in full sentences sharing what you have learnt today.

  1. What does transparent, translucent and opaque mean?
  2. How are shadows created?
  3. Which materials allow light to pass through?

59 responses to “Art & Science Week: Exploring Light!”

  1. Shumiyah H.

    1 Tranpareint mean objects allow all of the light to pass through them. 2.
    Transparent objects only allow some light pass through

  2. Halimah K.

    1Tranpareint mean objects allow all of the light to pass through them . 2 Translucent objects only allow some light to pass through them . This means that we can partially see through them . 3 opaque objects do not allow any light to pass through them.This means that we cannot see through them all.

  3. Toleen S.

    1.transparent objects allow all of the light to pass though them. This means that we can clearly see through them.

    2.translucent objects only allow some light to pass through them.this means that we can partcailly see through them.

    3.opaque objects do not allow any light to pass through them.
    This means that we cannot see through them at all.

  4. Esa A.

    Opaque means you can’t look through sumthing and lite can’t go through it at all.

    Transparent means you can look through it and you can put a torch at glass it will go through it.

    Translucent means put a torch to glass and it will only be on 1side.

  5. Muhammed H.

    Transparent means you can see throw it. Translucent is you can see throw it a little bit. Opaque means you can’t see throw it. Shadows are made by transparent and translucent.Class window and doors.

  6. Faris B.

    Transparent means you can see threw it translucent means that you can see a little bit opaque means you can’t see threw it.

  7. Tasneem S.

    Transparent Means you can see through.
    Translucent means you can see through a little bit.
    Opaque means you can not see through .
    Shrouds are light.
    Plastic or glass or chair

  8. Alisha S.

    1) translucent means you can see through a little bit of the light
    2) an example a person is blocking the
    Light and in front of them will be a shadow
    3)tissue ,

  9. Ebunoluwa I.

    1.Transparent mean that you can see something clearly.
    2.Tranlucent means that you can see something only on one part
    3.opaque mean that you can’t see it.
    4.By booking the sun.
    5.Glass and ruler.

  10. Minnah M.

    Transparent means that light can pass all the way through the object.
    Translucent means objects only get a little bit of light pass through it.
    Opaque means that light does not pass the object at all.
    Shadows are created by when something blocks light.
    Materials that let light to pass through are glass cups windows and glasses.

  11. Eliza N.

    1.Transparent objects allow all of the light to pass through
    2. Translucent objects only allow some light to pass through
    3.Opaque objects do not allow light to pass
    If light shines onto an opaque object then a shadow forms.
    Glass,Ruler,Glass bottles and water.😇🍷📏💦

  12. Max P.

    Opaque means you can’t see through it.
    Translucent means you can only see it from one side.
    Transparent means you can see through it.

  13. Dean-Junior L.

    1.Tranceparent means you can see threw it.
    2. Translucent means you will only see a little bit of it!
    3.opaque means you can’t see threw it!

  14. Emil D.

    Transparent mean’s that you can see through clearly,translucent mean’s light can go halfway through it,opaque means you can’t see through it at all.
    Shadows are the opposite of light so when’s you shine a light at an opaque thing it makes a shadow.
    Glass,doors and windows.

  15. Rayan Ma.

    Opaque objects do not allow any light to pass through them. This means that we cannot see through them at all.

    Translucent objects only allow some light to pass through them. This means that we can partially see through them.

    Transparent objects allow to see perfectly through it

  16. Sami J.

    Transparent means lite can pass through it.
    Translucent means some objects allow some light pass through.
    Opaque means light
    When object in front of the sun
    Glass let’s you see through the light

  17. Carter D.

    Transparent means see-through

  18. Muhammad K.

    Transparent means that you can see through it
    Translucent means that you can harshly see through it
    Opaque means you can not see through it
    if you block light you’ll make a shadow
    Glass window glass

  19. Awais J.

    Transplant means you can see through.

  20. Sidrah S.

    Transparent means you can see through it. Translucent means you can almost see through it. Opaque means you can’t see through it

  21. Carter D.


  22. Ameera K.

    Transparent ,means you can see ,through it.translucent means I can kind of see, through it.and opaque means you can’t see through it🔎🔍👔⬜️🥔👏👏🏾🍮🔳.

  23. Havin A.

    How are shadows created.By light

  24. abdelrahman

    1.Transparent objects allow all of the light to pass through them.
    2. Translucent objects only allow a little bit of light through
    3. Opaque objects do not allow any light through them

    1. abdelrahman

      From jad Abigail and abdelrahman

  25. Aiza B.

    Opaque means objects do not allow any light to pass through them at all.
    Translucent means objects only allow some light .
    Transparent means objects allow all the light pass .
    Light and dark .

  26. Yusuf S.

    Opaque means that you can not see through it .translucent means that you can see a little bit through it .and transparent means that you can see through it .

  27. Jebrin Y.

    1: transparent means it allows light to go through and see in it.
    Translucent means it allows a little light to pass you can see a tiny bit
    Opaque means you cannot see and allows

    1. Bhavdeep B.

      1. Transparant means we can see through it
      2. Translucent means you can little bit
      3. Opaque means you can’t see through it wood
      4 shadows can appear by blocking the light
      5. Glass.water

  28. Neda S.

    Tranperent mean you can completely see threw it translucent mean that you can see it slightly opaque mean you can completely not see threw it.

    Shadows are created by light like torch’s with a little light.

    These are the materials that allow to see threw window,glass door,paper,ruler,water bottle,school draw,

  29. Musa B.

    Transparent means you can look through it. translucent means you can see through a little bit. Opaque mean you can’t look through it. You block the light from it and then it makes a shadow. Glass glue and paper

  30. Eesaa A.

    (1)transparent means that the light can completely go through.
    Translucent means that the light go through a little bit.
    Opaque means that the light never comes.
    (2)Shadows come when an object is blocking the light.
    (3) Glass,window and a ruler.

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