
Around the World Week 2017

What did you think of the week?

50 responses to “Around the World Week 2017”

  1. Rifat Alom

    world around week was fun but the most series thing was that someone made a Argtinas red roses!!!!! And then we made some for our Argtina desplay

  2. Ayesha Gray

    It was great I loved doing the soul project

  3. Louis Sanders


  4. Asia Anderson

    I think around the world week was amazing because you can learn about different countries and how they live and their history of the country.

  5. Abdur-Rahim Mehmood

    Around the world week was the best day ever!!!

  6. Elyas Sultani

    I relly enjoy around would week because it is Fantastic ๐Ÿ˜Žโ˜บ๐Ÿ†

  7. Hargun Kaur

    Around the world week was really fun.

  8. Hasan Asif

    Around the world week was amazing. The capital city of Argentina is Buenos Aires.

  9. Haleema Asif

    Around the world week was amazing, I loved all of the projects we did and all of the information we found out!

  10. Miral Abdalla

    I really enjoyed around the world week.

  11. Aamina Bahar

    I liked around the world week.
    We learnt about Jamaica and the capital city of Jamaica is Kingston.

  12. Leena Naziri

    I love โค๏ธ around the world ๐ŸŒŽ week

  13. Aisha Kauser

    On around the world week our country was the United Arab Emirates me and my class had fun ๐ŸŽ‰ all week we drew a colossal sky scraper.๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜ƒ

  14. Iqra Yuuqow

    it was awsome and we leart about jamacia
    jamaica is a carbbean island
    The capital city of jamaica is kingston
    jamaica has a tropical climate
    jamaica is near to the equator
    jamaica has some islands near it haiti,cuba,domincan republic
    The jamaican flag has no red blue or white on it
    It has yellow black and green

    1. Iqra Yuuqow

      In downtown Kingston-robbies In uptown Kingston-rich

    2. Iqra Yuuqow

      Here are some famous people who are from Jamaica
      Mary seacole worked as a nurse ๐Ÿ‘ฉโ€โš•๏ธ
      Usain bolt was a runner ๐Ÿƒโ€โ™‚๏ธ
      Bob marly was a singer ๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐ŸŽค

  15. Habiba Dufa

    On Monday we was searching about India.
    On Tuesday we was painting the mounting.
    On Wednesday we was searching Taj Mahal.
    On Thursday we had to finish the Taj Mahal. โ˜บโ˜บ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘ง๐Ÿ‘ฆ

  16. Habiba Dufa

    On Monday we was searching about India.
    On Tuesday we was painting the mounting.
    On Wednesday we was searching Taj Mahal.
    On Thursday we had to finish the Taj Mahal.

  17. Safa Khan

    I absolutely loved around the world week as it was very fun learning about different countries especially Morocco because there was a lot of interesting facts about it and we learnt about some of the physical activities they do such as football and Difrini which is a popular Moroccan game that we played and it was very enjoyable.

  18. Umaiza Anum Tahir

    I love around the world week

  19. Eesa Faisal

    Last week I learned about Canada and it was great to know about the country.

  20. Umar-Faruq Akinwale

    I think around the world week was a good week and that I learnt lots of facts about

  21. Laraib Tahir

    around the world was amazing.

  22. Kiyan Hill

    Around the world week was epic because Arengtina is in South America and we know a man who is called messi . His dad is called Jody

  23. Lyba Ghafoor

    In 6 red we learnt about Morocco and what they do in Morocco.In Morocco they played a game and you have four knock able things such as…
    .Jeenga bricks eta.

    Then,you must have four throwable things such as…
    .doge balls
    .soft things
    .been bags
    .pillows eta.

    If you knock them over your team will be trying to put them in all corners
    .one in the middle
    .one in each corners

    Then you must try not to be hit by the things that the other team are throwing at you

    If your theam has put it in each corner then that meens that the other team will lose and the team who was dogging gets the point.
    We also tried Moroccan food it tasted sooooooooo good.

    They eat…
    .cheese [feta]
    .hummas eta

    this week was the BEST Around The World Week ever

    done all by Lyba
    I am in 6 red

  24. Mustafa Ghulam

    I liked around the world week

    1. Head Teacher

      Tell me why.

    2. Jeremi Janik

      It was ok

  25. Maleeha Memi

    This was a fun week. I learnt many things in SOLE to come up with our theiory Zimbabwe’s future!

  26. Head Teacher

    I love this week, the work that is covered is immense and enhances children’s skills. It makes me very proud when I see quality learning outcomes across the school. Well done teachers and children, you should all be very proud, I am.

  27. Miski Mohamud

    Around the World Week was fun.
    My Brother learnt about China that in 50 years 87% of the population make factories and work there they make are Ipads and Samsungs phones and Iphones.
    I learnt that Scotland is part of the United Kingdom and we made Scotish Biscuits for All Around the World Week.

    By Abdulah(Miski Brother) from Five Red and Miski from Reception Blue.

  28. Yousuf Muhhamad Iqbal

    Ottawa is a capital city in Canada.

  29. Marwa Haji

    the week i makes me think of Jamaica.

  30. Harroop Singh

    The week was so good.

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