A sprinkle of kindness

Words and actions are worth more than presents. You don’t have to be rich to give someone the greatest gift…kind words and a helping hand. Tell me how you have done this ,this week. Make the kindness coach proud.

49 responses to “A sprinkle of kindness”

  1. Esa I.

    I help my friends👬👬
    I be kind with my friends👬👬
    I help everyone in school 🏫

  2. Muhammad D.

    I have helped Haarun go to the football pitch at lunch so he can play football with the coach.

  3. Muhammed K.

    I have my friend when he fell down

  4. Ameena I.

    I have helped my mom she needed help tidying became someone was coming.
    My dad had trouble doing something so I helped him.
    I decided to help them because what you do to a person will come back to you❤️.
    So you treat people the way you want to be treated 💓.
    If someone looks different don’t be mean to them they are special in a different way 💝.
    Treat people nicely 😊💞

  5. Javishan R.

    I show kindness by working as a team.
    We show kindness everyday by using manner.
    I am kind to my friends and family by using kind words.
    Javishan and Ariyan

  6. Zainullah S.

    I show kindness by helping my parents.
    I show kindness by making children fell better.
    I show kindness by making my friend and my little brother smile 😀.
    By Zainullah , Rayan and AbigailF.

  7. Aiza B.

    I show kindness by helping people
    We show kindness everyday by helping other elderly

  8. Mya F.

    I show kindness by giving homeless money.By Ebeid
    I show kindness by helping my parents. By Sidrah
    I show by giving money for charity.

  9. Havin A.

    Havin: I have been kind when my brother needed a nappy change and he didn’t like it and started crying I was having a drink he was crying for it so I gave it to him and he was quiet.
    Shemaiah: I am kind when my friend is sad I cheer them up.
    Carter: I am kind by helping people by when people fall over

  10. Mustafa Z.

    You should be nice to people and they will be nice to you
    and also help people because it makes people happy 😉

  11. Awais J.

    I show kindness by working together as a group.
    We show kindness everyday by including everyone .
    I am kind to my friends by sharing and including the in class

  12. Sumayyah A.

    I show kindness by helping my mum by cleaning the house and I help my grandpa helping them wipe the whole house.
    I help my cousin when he gets hurt and I give him my juice when he wants it.
    I am kind by saying please and thank you.
    By SumayyahA Zak and Hamaad

  13. Jebrin Y.

    Jebrin shows kindness by doing teamwork to help others.
    Hasan shows kindness by helping others that is in need and that get hurt.
    Kinza shows kindness by helping my parents by doing the dishes and cooking.

  14. Miss Korotania

    Reception White’s kind actions and words:
    Saladin, “I shared the toys with Kareem”.
    Khloe, “I told Anaya Ali that I will look after her as she is feeling poorly”
    Izza, “I helped Zack draw some shapes”.

  15. Mustafa Z.

    People should be nice to others then they will be nice to you
    I helped my mom wash dishes
    I helped my dad do shopping
    I gave my card to my friends so there happy 😃
    I helped my parents lift my new bed 🛏

  16. Arjun G.

    I have helped my best friend when he got punched in the eye by someone else.

    I have helped my friend get up after another person pushed him and he got a red mark.

  17. Yasmin A.

    I help my mother with the groceries and laundry 🧺.
    I help my dad with the dishes and the cooking 🥘 .

  18. Rahim A.

    So what I did I helped my dad to carry the food it was heavy at first but now it wasn’t i was helping my friend with his work it was about fractions and the sounds so I helped him

  19. Eva T.

    I had even helped my mum in the morning

  20. Eva T.

    Today I had been kind to my friends by playing with them and I had been helping them to.

  21. Hamida K.

    I have helped my friend when she got hurt.I have helped a person in school with there work they were stuck on. I have helped my mum when she had so much to cook I decided to help her.♥️

  22. Rexford A.

    I have been kind by letting people play with me.
    I have been kind by following the rules
    I have been kind by letting people have a go at something
    I have been kind by making people feel good
    I have been kind by helping people in need
    I have been kind by behaving in class
    I have been kind by complimenting teachers
    I have been kind by saying hello everyday to teachers
    I have been kind by being polite
    I have been kind by being honest
    I have been kind by listening to teachers

  23. Hadiya M.

    What I did today to be kind was helping my friend with a few things, I played amoungus with one of my bestest friend Camarni and Tinoula especially Camarni because today he made me happy by saying come play with us because your lonely one more thing 8 did kind was helping my mum and dad a lot.

  24. Ebnezere A.

    I have try to improve my skills and my ability to gain this week.
    Also I have try to make a big difference to people

  25. Camarni H.

    And they looked lonely

  26. Camarni H.

    What kind thing I did today I played with Tinuola and Hadiya because they were not playing anything

  27. Ebnezere A.

    I have been trying my best to my sister in school because she is the citizen of the week.

  28. Aadam R.

    I play nicely and kind words means people treat you really nice and gifts don’t need to be expensive it maters about though

  29. Adrian O.

    I played with my friend and let him play when he was kicked out by a teacher and the teacher let him play again at lunchtime.

  30. Mr Rawlings

    Here is 1 Red’s kind actions this week.
    Inarah – I played with Minsa nicely at lunchtime.
    Isabelle – I helped Martyna at lunchtime when she fell over, I helped her get first aid.
    Hussein – I helped a child who was looking sad by playing with them.
    Abdulkafi – Yesterday I offered to help my sister study.

    1. Head Teacher

      How lovely- superstars! Keep being kind.

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