Hi Reception,
This is a reminder that on THURSDAY 27th February (this week), we will be going to Sea Life Centre – Birmingham.
This trip will kick start our new topic of ‘The World Beyond Us’ and specifically learning about Under the Sea.
We will be leaving after the registers so please ensure your child is at school on time. We will be back before the end of the school day so please collect from your child’s classroom as normal.
Please could ALL children bring a plastic carrier bag with their name on, which can be thrown away after lunch.
If your child NORMALLY has a packed lunch, please bring this with you in a plastic carrier bag (not a lunch box). Please ensure there are NO NUTS within your child’s lunch.
If your child has a school dinner, a packed lunch will be provided on the day.
Children must wear their school uniform and a coat with a hood.
Children can bring an additional disposable bottle of water if they wish.
If your child needs any medication on the day, parents must complete a form at the office. Medication will then be given to staff to administer. Please do NOT pack any medication in your child’s bag/pockets. All medication must be in the original packaging with the dose needed, clearly labelled. Your child’s name and class must also be on the packaging. (This includes; travel sickness tablets)
Thank you for your support!
It is going to be a great day!
Mrs Langley