
Music & Technology week in 5 Red.

Hello, welcome to our 5 Red blog. Our theme for this project week was the Greeks. The week consisted of researching Greece and its music, writing a play script, creating a rap and then making a video to accompany that. A fun week packed full of music, movement and memories!

DAY 1:

To kick start our first day of our project week, we used our geography skills to research information about Greece. Our task was to create a poster gathering as much information about Greece. We used various sources to find the physical and human features, along with an Atlas and Google. In the afternoon, we learnt a song called โ€˜Greeks bearing giftsโ€™


Today we worked in groups to write a myth in the form of a play script. We used all the features to write a script, such as stage and setting directions, fronted adverbials and relative clauses. We made props and costumes too. Take a look below.


For our third day, we wrote our own rap. Our rap was focused on Greece and the key words associated with this topic. We added different instruments for beats and rhythm. Take a look at our video below.


Today we created a melody/rhythm with Garage band. Along side this, we created our own rap. We used rhyme zone to look up words. In the afternoon, we went on to research Greek music genres. We created posters adding information such as, Greek instruments, traditional music and modern music.


For our final day, we created a cover for our Greek inspired rap. We then created a music video to go along with it.


– Miss. Akhtar & Mrs. Diaz

One response to “Music & Technology week in 5 Red.”

  1. Amina J.

    when we worked in groups to write a myth that was a play script.

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