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Year 5 – Create a rap and Perform for the classroom

Hola Clase! We have been learning the names of classroom objects this half term!

Using the pictures – please write a rap to teach others the names of all these classroom items! Practise and Perform!

66 responses to “Year 5 – Create a rap and Perform for the classroom”

  1. Zahra N.

    Sit on my la silla
    Then gona write on my tiza
    Trying to find my un boligrafo
    rubbing out with my un goma
    Still writing with my un lapiz
    Here is the professora
    Who is our new teacher!!

  2. Robyn B.

    I brand in my mochila
    I sit in my mesa
    I draw a line with my Una regal
    On my mapa

  3. Alex M.

    YE HOLA!
    I bring my las hojas I am gunna wright a text
    with my boligrafo.I finished my text I need
    some el color to finish my up my el poster oh
    my days I am so cold I asked the profesora
    If I can close the ventana she said si.

  4. Sheik A.

    I go to the la pizzara
    And write whith a long tiza
    I use a boligrafo
    But have no Libro
    I need my mochila
    And sit on a mesa
    I use the globo
    For pefesora
    I go to the ventana
    And get some water
    We’re gonna find out our new

  5. Olivier T.

    Sit on my la silla,
    Then gonna write on my tiza,
    Trying to find my Una goma,
    But still writing with my boligrafo,
    Checking the globo,
    After the poster,
    Then checking the clock above the estante para libros,
    Here is the prafesora,
    Who is are new teacher who is going to teach us English…uh!

  6. Amina J.

    Boilgrafo, check
    El libro, check
    La hoja, check
    I use un Color
    To fill in the gaps
    Oh no the professora
    I need to go back to the mesa

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