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Year 4 – Creating a Classroom rap!

Hola Clase! We have been learning the names of classroom objects this half term!

Using the pictures – please write a rap to teach others the names of all these classroom objects! Practise and Perform!

3 responses to “Year 4 – Creating a Classroom rap!”

  1. Eva T.

    Hola profesor,
    En mi mochila hay un libro y unos boligrafos,
    Y un color,
    Y un sacapuntas,
    En mi mochila hay un goma y un regla,
    Y un lapiz,
    Y un estuche,
    En mi mochila hay un cuaderno y un tjeras,
    Y … un lapiz!

  2. Subodh K.

    Hola professor
    Cuando entro al salón de clases
    I sit in my basic silla
    And get my Cosa from my bag
    As I write in my libro
    And in maths I use a calcluladora
    But in geography I use a globe
    And it is the end of the día

  3. Harrison S.

    Hola profesora
    I sit in my silla
    I write with a boligrafo
    On my la hoja
    In maths I use my calculadora
    In history I use my globo
    N on the wall there is a poster

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