Hi Y2! Please complete 2 pieces of homework. We cannot wait to see what you produce.

Play TTRS to improve fluency and speed.
Which class will win?
2Blue were the winners before!

Play ‘Apples and Pears’ on Education City. Find the correct suffix to match the root word. Record your score in the comments section.

Create a poster to show how you think we should treat each other. You could use pictures and writing. You could even cut pictures from magazines. Can you think of some kind actions? e.g. be caring, show consideration etc.

Practise Week 5 spellings, read your book and write a comment in your diary, please.
Have a lovely weekend.

11 responses to “Y2 Homework Week 4”

  1. Hana N.

    I have play TTRS and Education city and my scored is 100./. now i my doing my wow

  2. Inarah T.

    I have done my Maths home work on TTRS and got 29 correct, I have done 100 on ‘Apples and pears’ and I have completed WOW facts as well.

  3. Aahil M.

    I have done my homework 📚 and scored 100% in Education city.

  4. Shanum A.

    I scored 90% on Apples and Pear

  5. Safiyyah A.

    I scored 90% on Apples and Pears

  6. Abdullah S.

    Abdullah scored 100% in Education City. Played TTRS as well.

  7. Rabia S.

    i have done my homework on education city and TTRS.

  8. Mustafa M.

    I got 95% in education City and did the wow homework

  9. Amelia B.

    I have played TTRS and Education City. I scored 90%. I will do my WOW homework too.

  10. Rayyan R.

    I have done my education city game and scored 100.Played TTRS and now I’m going to do my wow challenge.

  11. Ziad H.

    I have done my homework 📚

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