What can we say? As a staff, we are so proud of how the children embraced everything that was thrown at them. They were respectful to themselves, others and the environment, they showed a great sense of responsibility – looking after their own things and completing their duties and their resilience was another level. Every one of us was challenged at some point but we did not give in.
We had the best time and we hope you did, too.

3 responses to “Dol-y-Moch June 2024”

  1. Nuha I.

    I loved staying in Dol-y-Moch, it was so fun. Thank you for giving us this opportunity to go. My favourite part was pushing Rhia into the lake. I will always remember Dol-y-Moch.

  2. Tana I.

    I love dol y mkch

  3. Tipian I.

    Thank you to all the staff to allow this to happen . I really appreciate the support and effort this took .
    I really enjoyed dol y moch and this will probably be one of the biggest memories I have with most of my friends , teachers , staff and peers .

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