Hello everyone!

We are having our last stay and play sessions in reception tomorrow -28/ 06/ 24

It will take play Fridays 2:30pm – 3:05pm.
Please see below the dates to which specific groups of parents are invited to join us. If you are unsure as to which colour group your child is in, please speak to your class teacher.

Please remember Stay and Play is for ONE adult to attend per child.

Younger siblings – if they are able to be looked after for the session that would be beneficial for your child to get quality time with you.

Attendance – Please comment on the weekly blog to show your attendance and on the day use Hanford Close entrance when arriving for Stay and Play and sign in at the school office.

Mobile Phones – We would also like to remind all parents that mobile phones are not to be used when in school – this is part of our safeguarding policy to keep your children safe.

Cant wait to see you there, The Reception team!

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