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Edgwick Football festival.

Next Monday (24/06/24) a group of year 5 students are taking part in a festival of football at Edgwick Park. They will be playing with 4 other local schools in the Foleshill area, where the aim is to enjoy an activity as a community whilst also promoting the use and awereness of our local green spaces. The pupils selected are as follows;

5 Red Yoshita, Irfa, Hudayfa

5 Blue Mustafa I, Muhammed Y, Bethany, Afsa, Yunus, Rehyan,

5 White Mustafa A, Zaeem, Sabiha, Adam, Daniel, Ammar

This will be happening during usual PE lesson time so pupils only need to wear their normal PE kit. They will be back for lunch as usual. Any questions, please ask!

5 responses to “Edgwick Football festival.”

  1. Miss Shilton

    Monday 1st of July

  2. Yunus H.

    Guys it’s the 1st of July that’s when it is

  3. Muhammad Y.

    it says 24 but that was 2 days ago.I think u got the date wrong

  4. Adam O.

    The 24 was yesterday so when will it be ?

  5. Muhammad I.

    Mr Rawlings it says that it is the 24 but that was yesterday but what day will it actually be

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