
Blitz Day in 4 Blue

4 Blue have had a very fun and informative day exploring the Blitz and WW2. Take a look at everything we got up to below!

Learning about how the Blitz affected Coventry and creating double page spreads about the bombing.

Making and tasting carrot cookies – a real wartime recipe!

Creating pastel and paper silhouette artwork inspired by the Blitz

Discussing the role of women during the war (including Miss Woodman’s grandmother!) and creating propaganda posters to encourage people to volunteer.

2 responses to “Blitz Day in 4 Blue”

  1. Esa A.

    It was so much fun

  2. Yusuf S.

    I had so much fun 👍😌I learnt how to make a carrot cookie🍠🍪 my best bit was
    the museum,make the carrot cookie🍠🍪 ,try it and draw and fur ww2picture with paste!s drawing 🔥

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