Hello Year 1. Below is your week 3 homework. Please remember to complete two or the three tasks and return your homework book by Wednesday. Have a great weekend.

15 responses to “Y1 Sum 2 Wk 3 homework”

  1. Adeel B.

    I have done education city home work and got 💯

  2. Meva K.

    Meva is done her homework 👍

  3. Esha H.

    I got 100% present in Education city.

  4. Emma P.

    I did my homework on Education city

  5. Miss Korotania

    Dear 1B,

    I have rectified the issue and extended the due date. The homework should be visible now.

  6. Kareem A.

    Kareem’s education city Tasks are missing

  7. Adeel B.

    I have done my homework on education city

  8. Anastazja P.

    Anastazja also does not have any homework task to complete.

  9. Muhammad Y.

    These tasks are missing from Yahya’s education city.

  10. Zoha S.

    I have played educationcity and scored 100.

  11. Haitham B.

    I have done both my education city activities and scored 100%. I have practiced my spellings.

  12. Tilly W.

    Tilly’s education city tasks are missing

  13. Mahid H.

    Am doing my homework now 👍

  14. Azmat A.

    I will do my homework

    1. Mrs Penavega

      You are a star Azmat!

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