
2 Red English

4 responses to “2 Red English”

  1. Riya S.

    Did you know that in 2023 India had the most tigers? The number was 3,400!

  2. Ayaad H.

    Tiger is wild big cat having black stripes on there body.
    They are carnivores this means they only eat meat.
    Tiger grab there children from their neck and babies of tigers are called cubs
    They usually attack their prey from back side and alone at night.
    Tigers roar can be heard as far three kilometers away.
    Tigers are good in swimming and they run very fast speed.
    Tigers are hunted for their fur and they are endangered.

  3. Adam K.

    Tigers have orange fur with black stripes.
    Tigers eat pigs, cows, horses and rhinos.
    Tigers like swimming.
    Tigers are the largest wild cats in the world.

  4. Rumaysa K.

    Tigers are Mammals witch means they only eat meat they also have collared sttrips to
    help them camouflage

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