2Blue’s Tiger Documentary!

Enjoy reading these tiger facts!

7 responses to “2Blue’s Tiger Documentary!”

  1. Zayan J.

    I loved drawing the tiger and enjoyed the facts.

  2. Shreya S.

    I feel sad for these ferocious animals because they are endangered . I wish they where not endangered but people kill them illegally for there fur .

  3. Ziad H.

    i liked reading the tiger facts, and it was fun making the documentary.

  4. Rayyan R.

    Rayan is asking why am I not in the video

    1. Mr Mahmood

      Hi Rayan’s mum, he was poorly that day so he was not in school.

  5. Isabelle T.

    I loved drawing the tiger and enjoy green screen

  6. Zayaan M.

    I loved the tiger facts🏆🥇🏅

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