We started our day by reviewing our knowledge about forces. Explaining what forces are and the difference between balanced and unbalanced forces. Furthermore, we explained what gravity and air resistance are and how they impact on objects fall.

We conducted our own investigations to test the properties of different materials , for shock absorption and their suitability for our parachutes. We used range of materials and looked at a variety of properties and observed how suitable each material is for our egg parachute. We created a table to record our observations.

We designed a safety jacket and a parachute to protect the egg from breaking.

Challenge :

What is the difference between balanced and unbalanced force?
What are forces measured in?

One response to “Year 6 -Science day”

  1. Diana D.

    This day was one of a really calm and nice day . Thank you for making time to give us this great Science day 🧬
    even when we’re very tight scheduled.

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