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Year 4 Homework Summer 2 Week 1

Hi year 4,

Here is this week’s homework. Don’t forget it must be finished by Wednesday morning. Complete a minimum of two pieces and the spelling task set on Spelling Shed.  If you have any problems, let your teacher know on Monday morning.


To recall multiplication facts

Practise your times tables on TTRS and record your score in your homework book. Make sure you play for at least 10 minutes.


To read a comprehend a text

Read the text and answer the questions below in your homework book.

  1. Name one type of key worker during the Second World War.
  2. Identify whether the statements below are true or false according to the article.
    a) The Second World War began in 1941.
    b) A collection of handwritten poems were found.
    c) Scarborough is by the sea.
    d) The letters were found in perfect condition.
  3. Which of the following two options do you think is more likely? Explain your answer.
    a) The pair who wrote the letters will be identified.
    b) The pair who wrote the letters will not be identified.
  4. Which of the following alternate headlines best summarises the article? Choose one.
    a) Love Letter Mystery
    b) Seaside Hotel Discovery
    c) Floorboard Letters
    d) Wartime Love Letters Found


To understand some information about WW2

Research and find out 10 facts about WW2. 

You can write your findings in your book or create a poster.

Spelling – This must be completed

Complete the assignment set on Spelling Shed.

Comments are turned off as all homework is to be completed in your homework books or on TTRS and Spelling Shed.