As part of Entrepreneur Week, children in years 4,5 and 6 were incredibly lucky today to have the opportunity to participate in our first ever Careers Fair! The school hall was buzzing as a range of careers (such as HR, research scientist, graphic designer, boxer, operations manager, software engineer, IT programme manager) and industries (such as the NHS, media & advertising, the fire service, engineering and Warwick University) were showcased. Children were able to speak with our visitors and ask them questions such as what had inspired them, what training they had undertaken, what qualifications they needed and what was the best part of their job!

A huge thank you to parents and guests who gave their time and really inspired our children.

Children – well done for showing such enquiring minds! What did you learn from the Careers Fair and did it inspire you to explore a specific career path?

5 responses to “Broad Heath Careers Fair 2024”

  1. Tana I.

    Thank you for this event I thought this was a very useful thing to do as it helps people, and gives the children a good inspiration of what to be when your older.♡

  2. Myiesha S.

    It was so fun thank you teachers and the parents that attended.

  3. Arfa S.

    I enjoyed the careers fair

  4. Flourish A.

    I love career fair and I got to solve things like word cross, and spot the difference

  5. Izaan Q.

    Thank you very much, that was a useful event. Inspired to meet people from different profession.

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