59 responses to “Spanish Books”

  1. Mihika P.

    Mi Libro favorito es El fantasia de la casa de al Aldo fue un libro increíble .

  2. Mihika P.

    Mi Libro favorito es El fantasia de la casa de al Aldo fue un libro increíble

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great Mihika!

  3. Miss Korotania

    1B liked the dog story. We thought that the dog was owned by the little girl and he followed her to school that day because he loves and misses her!

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great language and picture detective skills used 1B!

  4. Miss Smith

    1Red found this a little tricky to understand as it was very fast! We used the pictures for clues. Miss Smith explained some of the words to us too.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Thank you for listening to the stories. I do think the pictures were good clues to help you with the understanding.

  5. Dhiyashini S.

    I liked all the books but my most favourite was puqui mi perro because it was easy to understand and had beautiful illustrations!

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great choice Dhiya!

  6. Zenat N.

    I might get the book.😀

    1. Mrs Kiani


  7. Maddox B.

    In the first one I think the dog wanted attention and got lots of attention

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good start – did you get a chance to listen to the other stories too Maddox?

  8. Najma O.

    I like the story about Elfantasma de

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Incomplete comment Najma .

  9. Aisha A.

    I quite like the first one as it is very simple and is easy to understand without being able to read the Spanish and the pictures are very clear and not over complicated.
    Like the other one such as the second one is very muddled up making it very difficult to understand

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good honest feedback girls!

  10. Meharunisa A.

    I think the first book is about people going on a hot air ballon.
    I think the second book is about a boy lost in the night or in the forest
    I think the third book is about a dog on the beach.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great work! Which was your favourite one and why?

  11. Ali A.

    The first story is about a dog who is loved by its owner and is running around the street. It is trying to find something as well.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      What about the other stories Ali? Try and listen to them all and then tell me which one you enjoyed the most and why.

  12. Jensen C.

    Jensen: I think that the first book is about some friends who go on a hot air balloon ride to an amazing far-away place. Tyson:I think the second book is about a kid who goes out at night but finds something. Jensen: I think the third book is about an alien dog that lands on earth and scares everyone away. However there is one person who makes friends with the dog and is happy together

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done boys! Detailed answers. Which one is your favourite?

  13. Abdullah K.

    My favourite was the hot air ballon
    They go on a hot air ballon they are happy and they go to an adventure
    I think it was medium because there was some hard words and some easier words that I already know

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good feedback Abdullah! Which words did you know already?

  14. Zaeem J.

    The stories were really really hard to transplanted I didn’t get what most of the stories meant.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Did you not use the picture clues to work out what was happening? The language can be hard but picture books provide clues in the illustrations too.

  15. Ramandeep K.

    I liked the story puqui mi perro this is because it includes pets and I like pets, I could identify that ‘perro’ means dog.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Ramandeep!

  16. Liliana S.

    The book what I like is puqui, mi perro because I like pets and that book has my favorite pet which is a cute little dog

    1. Mrs Kiani

      I’m glad you liked that story Lilliana! What was the name of the dog?

  17. Ella K.

    From Ella Reyn and Mustafa
    I loved the story and I like 👍🏻 Spanish because it’s interesting 🧐 and it’s
    Fun a lot because my favourite language is Spanish now we are learning
    It to so I am a lot happy 😃 now thank you for all the support you did .
    I love seeing your comments ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Thank you to you all! I’m so glad you enjoy the Spanish lessons – you will learn even more next year! Which story was your favourite ?

  18. Tipian I.

    I think the first book is about a dog (who is trying to look for something).

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Which one did you like the most Tipian?

  19. Sukhmanpreet K.

    I think the first one was about animals in the air balloon the second one was in a dark hallway and the last one was a cute dog being lookaftered by a very nice girl.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Good comments Sukhmanpreet! I personally like the dog story. Did you know ‘perro’ in Spanish means ‘dog’?

  20. Mr Andrews (Headteacher)

    Thank you for sharing these Mrs Kiani, and thanks to Elena also!
    My girls also enjoyed watching the video and identifying the language.
    Have fun everyone

    1. Mrs Kiani

      I’m glad your girls enjoyed listening to the stories and using their language detective skills, Mr Andrews!

  21. Great O.

    I loved it. can you teach me Some Spanish.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      I would love to! When you join Year 3 your weekly Spanish lessons will start and you will learn lots of Spanish!

  22. Mrs Chapman

    Reception Blue liked listening to the story about the hot air balloon. They thought it was funny because all the animals wanted to get in but it didn’t look like there was room for them all. They thought that Elena was very fast when she read the book and enjoyed listening to the story being read in Spanish.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Reception Blue, good use of picture clues!

  23. Mr Mahmood

    2Blue enjoyed listening to these Spanish stories – thank you, Mrs Kiani.
    The children enjoyed listening to the story with the explorer. They said she is exploring the mountains because she is looking through a pair of binoculars and the background is of tall mountains. They also discussed that she lives near the mountains and she was getting ready for a hot air balloon ride adventure. We enjoyed it a lot!

    1. Mrs Kiani

      It’s lovely to hear that you enjoyed listening to the stories 2 Blue!

  24. Miss Redhead

    2 White
    The first one was about animals and a lady. They went in a hot air balloon. The children think they were happy in the hot air balloon. Using the title it is clear they go on an adventure.

    The second one is about a house. The girl looks after the dog in the house.

    We really enjoyed listening to the stories in 2 White. Thankyou.

    1. Mrs Kiani

      That’s great to hear 2 white!

  25. Latifa A.


    1. Mrs Kiani

      Great Latifa, remember to borrow the books next time you visit the library! Which one was your favorite and why?

  26. Ziad H.

    I enjoyed the second one because it’s funny 😄

    1. Mrs Kiani

      That’s great to hear! Which part made you laugh?

  27. Fatima S.

    I watch it

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Well done Fatima! Which one did you like?

  28. Tana I.

    I enjoyed the first book because I like it more than the other books

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Is there any particular reason Tana?

  29. Zenat N.

    WoW 😍

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Which one was your favorite Zenat?

  30. Mahid H.

    The most beautiful was 1th for me 👍👍👍

    1. Mrs Kiani

      Why did you like the 1st one Mahid?

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