What a fantastic afternoon we had! We took part in a variety of activities to develop our well-being in different ways.

Active Maths

We worked with Mrs Hurt and Miss Smith to create arrays using people, cones and natural objects! We looked at the rows and columns and applied our knowledge of counting in 2s, 5s and 10s.



We practised balancing and rolling with Mrs Watkins.


We had a very relaxing time with Mrs Patel, learning new ways to unwind!

Indian Dancing

We practised the Bollywood routine from the Diwali assembly with Miss Korotania. We had so much fun revisiting the steps. Check out our funky dance moves in the video above!

5 responses to “Y1 Well-Being Day”

  1. Anaya A.

    I love everything and the Gymnastics every time ⌚ is so so so so so so so much 😎 cool

  2. Muhammed A.

    I like jimnastics and dancing

  3. Haitham B.

    I enjoyed gardening the most because I liked using the shovels and digging up the mud.

  4. Ayman Q.

    Lovely..Children must had great time.

  5. Mrs J Patel

    This blog has made me smile. Everyone involved using different skills. Well done year 1.

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