Nursery Stay and Play – Monday 13th May.

Please see below parents invited to join us for Stay and Play on Monday 13th May. Please comment below to confirm your attendance for this session.

When arriving for Stay and Play, please use the Hanford Close entrance and sign in at the school office. Timings for these sessions are below, please ensure you arrive on time as you may not be able to join us if you arrive late.

We can only accomodate for one adult per child.

Please note – the use of Mobile Phones is not allowed whilst inside school. This includes Stay and Play sessions.

Many thanks

Mrs Langley.

Monday 13th May.

Nursery AM – 10:45am – Samson, Mahdiya, Elena, Srinika, Abdulfattah, Lidia, Amaani, Musa Abid

Nursery PM – 2:30pm – Zarwa, Hassan, Abu Bakr, Maryam, Lian, Adam, Mohammed Khidir, Jasnoor, Imran

3 responses to “Nursery Stay and Play – Monday 13th May.”

  1. Hassan V.

    Just confirming mum will be attending stay+ play today

  2. Aizah U.

    Mum will be attending for Abu Bakr

  3. Srinika K.

    I can confirm my attendance for stay and play.

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