Practicing Conversations in 4B

This half term in English, we are exploring the story of the Fastest Boy in the World. Today we discussed the relationships between the characters and the way that they speak to one another.

We role played as different characters and acted out conversations between them. Watch the video below to see our ideas!

Can you tell who each person is portraying? How?

What speech verbs, adverbs or actions could we include if we were writing down the conversations?

6 responses to “Practicing Conversations in 4B”

  1. Simeongeya W.

    weeeeeeeeeeeeeel doooooooooooone

  2. Faris B.

    Welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll dooooone

  3. Esa A.

    Well done

  4. Chavi L.

    great job everyone

  5. Musa B.

    Nice job everyone

  6. Minnah M.

    Good job

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