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Year 5 Summer 1 Week 5 Homework

Hi Year 5, here is your homework for this week.

Complete two tasks and log into Spelling Shed and practise your spelling words.

Homework should be a celebration of your learning and should reflect your full effort and ability. Homework is also a brilliant opportunity to discover more and take time to produce a piece of work you are truly proud of. The best efforts could even be sent to Mr Andrews when he calls for good work.

Homework MUST be completed and brought into school on WEDNESDAY at the latest. This includes your spellings.

Can you create a poster explaining all that you have learnt from EITHER our position and direction OR decimals unit this half term. You can include diagrams and even your own challenges and vocabulary. Make them amazing ask your teacher if you would like graph paper to help you.

To create a Shakespearan glossary.


To prepare for our Macbeth play.

Your homework this week is a little different.

Firstly, gather your costume pieces:

Lords/Ladies/Royalty (including speaking parts): Smart clothing

Soldiers- Norwegian army and Macbeth’s army will wear a red T-shirt. Scottish soldiers will wear a blue T-shirt.

Witches, assassins and servants: wear black

Narrators: Smart school uniform.


Adam, Maryam, Marwa, Myeisha, Meena, MG, Ramandeep, Mohammed E, Welat, Mo, Bethany, Hussein, Lawan, Alex, Yahya, Simra Sabiha and Amirah: Your homework is to learn your lines for the play so we can rehearse without scripts next week.

Everyone else: Learn any lines you have in the play and make a prop to be used in the play (we’ll be working as a team for this, so your prop may be used by someone else in the play.)

We need swords and shields.

8 responses to “Year 5 Summer 1 Week 5 Homework”

  1. Muhammad Y.

    What colour pants should i wear if im in Macbeths army.If red i dont have any

  2. Adam D.

    If you are Macbeth you are part of the lords/ladies/royalty but you are also part of the Macbeth and Scottish army so what do wear?

  3. Hudayfa A.

    Halmsey-sweet wine
    Caper-to dance with joy
    Mobbled-with face muffled up
    Expiate-come to an end

  4. Hudayfa A.


  5. Mohammed D.

    Do I have to do wow if I bring a plastic sword

    1. Olivier T.

      Malmsey-a sweet,Fortified wine
      Puissance-power or might
      Mobbled-with face muffled up
      Caper-to leap with delight
      Guileful-full of guile

  6. Adam O.

    I am a Scottish soldier and I am in Macbeths army so what colour do I wear red or blue?

  7. Alinna A.

    you have spelled Shakespeare worng .

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