
Wonderful water cycles in 5 Red.

Today in Geography, 5 Red learnt about the water cycle. We learnt about the water cycles impact on river formation. We then went on to draw a diagram of the water cycle, annotating it with the correct vocabulary.

How does the water cycle impact rivers?

Think about how changes in the water cycle could influence the state of a river and itโ€™s surrounding landscape.

4 responses to “Wonderful water cycles in 5 Red.”

  1. Yahya K.

    Q:How does the water cycle impact rivers?

    A: The water cycle can take water from rivers and lead to droughts.

  2. Sulaimon L.

    The water cycle is a series of events that happens in earth including evapouratio Condensatoin Percipitation.

  3. Amina J.

    If too much rain falls then flooding may occur.

  4. Amina J.

    If too much water flooding may occur.

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