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Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2

Read the story below and choose a challenge to complete. You can write your answers on this blog or write them in your homework book. Remember the best entry will win the prize! Good luck Year 1!



Find these words in the story:

What do they mean?


Use the pictures below to retell the story in your own words. Remember to use capital letters and full stops.

43 responses to “Y1 Reading Challenge Spring 2”

  1. Safwaan E.

    safaawn read the book

  2. Emma P.

    Emma read the book and could tell me what it is about !

  3. Safiyah I.

    1 Carrot

  4. Sama A.

    The carrot
    The fox ran to eat rabbiet

  5. Jason K.

    4dog hi fad fox

  6. Harun A.

    1)A carrot

    2)The fox stopped

    3)The he was eating breadcrum

    fox eating carrot
    Harun read story.

  7. Safwaan E.

    he sppoted the hen

  8. Safwaan E.

    the rabbit was munching carrot

  9. Jason K.

    1he was munching a carrot.
    2 because he wan ts to eat carrtot
    3giingerbread man

  10. Mohammed A.

    1.The rabit was munching a carrot.
    2.The fox stopped because he spotted a hen peck ing bread crumbs.
    3.The hen was pecking bread crumbs.
    4.Fox was fed up because he just wanted a ginger bread man.
    5.The animals the fox spotted in the kitchen were:a black cat and a fat dog.
    SILVER something steadily and often audibly.

  11. Prabal S.


    1. A Carrot
    2. Because he saw a hen
    3. Breadcrumbs
    4. Because he was tired to
    catching rabbit and hen.
    5. Cat and dog

  12. Meva K.


    *munching = eating
    *pecking = how do birds eat
    *trotted = fast walking, like running
    *dwelling = the place we live
    *currants = food for birds, dried grapes

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