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Y2 Spellings – SPRING 2

Hi Year 2. Here are your Spring 2 spellings.
Remember to practise them each week to achieve 10/10.

Group 3 – Ladybirds and Spiders
Group 2 – Bees and Butterflies
Group 1 – Caterpillars

8 responses to “Y2 Spellings – SPRING 2”

  1. Mueez K.

    I have been practicing my spellings so much

    1. Mr Mahmood

      You are the best at spellings! Our number 10 star boy!

  2. Ebrar Y.

    Ebrar has been done her spelling.Have a nice day.

  3. Austin Q.

    I had a lot of fun.

  4. Riya S.

    THANKS for sending the spelling

  5. Liliana S.

    Thank you for the cards for spelling and I always practice

  6. Miracle O.

    I enjoyed reading my red spelling

  7. Adam K.

    Thank you. I am learning my spelling words

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